RT @AlinejadMasih@twitter.com
Tomorrow Iranian women will shake the clerical regime by removing their hijab and taking to the streets across Iran to say #No2Hijab. This is called Women Revolution.
In iran #WalkingUnveiled is a crime.
Iranian men will also join us.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlinejadMasih/status/1546654986544840706
#No2Hijab #WalkingUnveiled #حجاب_بی_حجاب
Anti-regime protests in Iran have entered their third month and are giving no signs of slowing down. Youths of #Javandroud were out in the streets to support their protesting compatriots elsewhere in the country.
#IranRevolution #MahsaAmini #No2Hijab
Source : https://twitter.com/AlinejadMasih/status/1594385804662636549
#javandroud #IranRevolution #mahsaamini #No2Hijab
RT @IranIntl_En: This video obtained by @IranIntl shows an Iranian woman in a Tehran highway defying two Islamic Republic laws at the same time: riding a motorcycle and removing her hijab.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/BasBelderMEP/status/1575136349644066824
RT @AlinejadMasih: After 40 years of oppression Iranian women say #No2Hijab. No more oppression. The crowed is full of man that supports women of Iran.
#MahsaAmini’s murder was a wake up call to Iranians and they need the international support.
Please support Iranians.
Say her name #مهسا_امینی
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/beatrizbecerrab/status/1572352428737167360
#No2Hijab #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی
你理解口罩的多此一举,就会理解黑袍头罩的多此一举,你讽刺口罩是“传统”的时候,别忘了对面就是这样为黑袍头罩辩护的,别忘了伊朗的女性正走上街头发起#No2Hijab 的解放运动。
#No2HiJab #伊朗 #妇女革命
Demà les dones iranianes sacsejaran el règim clerical traient-se el hijab i sortint als carrers de tot l'Iran per dir #No2Hijab. Això s'anomena revolució de les dones. A l'Iran #WalkingUnveiled és un crim. També s'uniran a nosaltres homes iranians. #حجاب_بی_حجاب https://t.co/pu3uUA1teM
#No2Hijab #walkingunveiled #حجاب_بی_حجاب
Demà les dones iranianes sacsejaran el règim clerical traient-se el hijab i sortint als carrers de tot l'Iran per dir #No2Hijab. Això s'anomena revolució de les dones. A l'Iran #WalkingUnveiled és un crim. També s'uniran a nosaltres homes iranians. #حجاب_بی_حجاب https://t.co/pu3uUA1teM
#No2Hijab #walkingunveiled #حجاب_بی_حجاب
Mujeres valientes contra la imposición del velo obligatorio en Irán 👇
RT @AlinejadMasih: Beaucoup de femmes iraniennes sont descendues dans les rues sans voile à travers le pays cette semaine pour se prononcer contre le voile obligatoire.
Le régime des mollahs a déjà emprisonné certaines de ces femmes courageuses.
Valentes! Companyes iranianes protesten contra l'opressió del règim traient-se el vel en públic, desafiant així la llei que obliga a portar-lo.
Un verdader exercici de desobediència civil i de consciència feminista. Força #WhiteWednesdays!
RT @AlinejadMasih: Tomorrow Iranian women will shake the clerical regime by removing their hijab and taking to the streets across Iran to say #No2Hijab. This is called Women Revolution.
In …
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/DianaRibaGiner/status/1547502703093465089
Souvenons-nous du courage de ces femmes iraniennes qui osent affronter l’oppression. Être féministe, c’est être à leur côté, sans équivoque et sans réticence.
RT @AlinejadMasih: As we promised!
We remove our hijabs and I hope everyone joins us.
Forcing women to wear hijab is not part of Iranian’s culture. It is the culture of Taliban, ISIS and Islamic Republic. Enough is enough.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/NathalieLoiseau/status/1547333103009554435
RT @PegahEdalatian: Solidarität mit den Frauen im Iran. Seit über 40 Jahren werden sie zum Kopftuchtragen gezwungen. Sie widersetzen sich. Sie kämpfen für ihre Selbstbestimmung. Wir #Feministinnen stehen zusammen.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TerryReintke/status/1547246764658507777
RT @AlinejadMasih
Tomorrow Iranian women will shake the clerical regime by removing their hijab and taking to the streets across Iran to say #No2Hijab. This is called Women Revolution.
In iran #WalkingUnveiled is a crime.
Iranian men will also join us.
#walkingunveiled #حجاب_بی_حجاب #No2Hijab
Aquesta dona s'està arriscant a la presó i a colpejar per demostrar al règim i a la resta del món que les dones de l'Iran són prou valentes per dir #No2Hijab . A l'Iran #WalkingUnveiled és un delicte.
#LetUsTalk @AlinejadMasih
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/enricmorera/status/1546957296294666242
#No2Hijab #WalkingUnveiled #LetUsTalk
RT @AlinejadMasih: Tomorrow Iranian women will shake the clerical regime by removing their hijab and taking to the streets across Iran to say #No2Hijab. This is called Women Revolution.
In iran #WalkingUnveiled is a crime.
Iranian men will also join us.
#No2Hijab #WalkingUnveiled #حجاب_بی_حجاب
RT @AlinejadMasih: Tomorrow Iranian women will shake the clerical regime by removing their hijab and taking to the streets across Iran to say #No2Hijab. This is called Women Revolution.
In iran #WalkingUnveiled is a crime.
Iranian men will also join us.
#No2Hijab #WalkingUnveiled #حجاب_بی_حجاب