Ich auch nicht, es fehlt die Bildbeschreibung mit Namen.
#barrierefreiheit #inklusion #NoAltNoBoost
@harrybodifee Het is wel aan te raden om een alt-tekst aan je foto's toe te voegen, voor de toegankelijkheid voor slechtzienden. Er zijn veel mensen die alleen boosten als er een beschrijving bij een plaatje zit. #NoAltNoBoost
Dank @unixwitch ein Alt or Not ähnliches #Tool gefunden das auch mit Mastodon (und Instagram und FB und Linkdn) gefunden dass die #Bildbeschreibung als Text anzeigt so dass ich sie (endlich) lesen kann. https://github.com/nickdenardis/social-visual-alt-text - gibt's für Chrome und Firefox. Und andersfarbigen Balken wenn keine da ist.
evtl. interessant auch für @melly_maeh oder @rollifraeulein?
#NoAltNoBoost #barrierefreiheit #Sehbehinderung #AltText #accessibility
#tool #bildbeschreibung #NoAltNoBoost #barrierefreiheit #Sehbehinderung #alttext #accessibility
Oh good, #NoAltNoBoost is a hashtag. Wait, no. That shouldn't have to be a hashtag and I'm seeing it get bad again on this instance and in the fedi timeline. Not putting alt-text on your images says you're not interested in accessibility, and I think 4.1 even added the ability to put it in with an edit?
I don't care how good, funny, or interesting your image or meme is, I won't boost it without alt-text.
Even if your image/comic/photo is incredibly funny or moving…
This seems like a good day to repeat that I will not boost any image that doesn't have a reasonable alt text.
I've seen far too many alt-less images lately. Some of them were really good. But if you want reach on this platform, make your stuff accessible.
#NoAltNoBoost #NoBoostWithoutAlt #accessibility #a11y #AccessForAll
#NoAltNoBoost #noboostwithoutalt #accessibility #a11y #AccessForAll
@annatreurniet Welcome to the #fediverse !
Please do add descriptions to media you post. That keeps the Mastodon and the fediverse accessible.
#description #alttext #NoAltNoBoost
#fediverse #description #alttext #NoAltNoBoost
I don't know if I've explicitly said it (although I've got a fair amount of accessibility stuff on my timeline, so it's probably an easy guess), but just in case:
I will not boost an image that has no alt text. I'm part of the "no alt, no boost" movement. #NoAltNoBoost #accessibility
@malwaretech Also check https://wordsmith.social/elilla/a-futuristic-mastodon-introduction-for-2021
And mention #NoAltNoBoost
And mention to give some financial support to your instance if possible.
And for organisations look at:
and (in Dutch but the deepl.com translation quite good)
@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs Plus, many people use a "No alt? no boost"-policy so by providing an alt-description you'll reach a bigger audience.
#alttext #NoAltNoBoost