#OsterholzBleibt Eine Mitteilung der Waldbesetzer*innen: Nach #Cop25 und dem Konjunkturpaket: Hört auf, an die Verantwortlichen zu appellieren! Was wir brauchen, ist eine Revolte! - Weiterlesen: https://jederbaumzaehlt.noblogs.org/post/2019/12/26/nach-cop-25-und-dem-konjunkturpaket-hort-auf-an-die-verantwortlichen-zu-appellieren-was-wir-brauchen-ist-eine-revolte/ #By2020weriseup #klimagerechtigkeit #climatejustice #NoCop25 #revolt
#ClimateJustice #revolt #NoCop25 #klimagerechtigkeit #By2020WeRiseUp #cop25 #osterholzbleibt
From Embers: Climate Mobilizations in #Vancouver - #NoCop25 #podcast #climatesjustice #antireport - Read & listen here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2019/12/07/from-embers-climate-mobilizations-in-vancouver/
#antireport #climatesjustice #Podcast #NoCop25 #vancouver
You're not shure what you should think about the #COP25?
May that advertisment by #cocacola, at the COP25 entrance be your advice.
It's really hudge and says:
"don't buy coca cola, if we're not going to recycle together", the company that extracts water, even where it's rare, to add it into platic bottles that natue can't recycle, and who are known for violently attacking worker that strike...
fits to #cop25
Some are disturbed to see cocacola greenwashing at COP25.
really disturbing to see #COP25 tryn to greenwash neoliberalism, extractivism and nationalism and even more distrubing that people fall for it.
#COP25 is hosted by those using militarized force to attack communities protesting to protect the environment.
What kind of #climatejustice do you believe is going to come from this #COP25, when those hosting it are acting with militarized violence against those protesting for social change and environmental protection.
#noCOP25 #COP25Madrid #Chile
thread with video material (cw: violence):
#ClimateJustice #Chile #COP25Madrid #NoCop25 #cocacola #cop25
#fridaysforfuture #Santiago in their pressrelease from the 22. November 2019.
"Additionally, this further demonstrates how the government has lost legitimacy with the Chilean people and organizations to maintain the presidency of #cop25 in 2020."
here's the full statement:
#NoCop25 #cop25 #santiago #FridaysForFuture
#NoCop25: #COP25, soziale Bewegungen und Klimagerechtigkeit - #antireport - Weiterlesen: https://enough-is-enough14.org/2019/12/04/nocop25-cop25-soziale-bewegungen-und-klimagerechtigkeit/
#NoCop25: #COP25, social movements and #climatejustice #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2019/12/03/nocop25-cop25-social-movements-and-climatejustice/
#ClimateJustice #antireport #cop25 #NoCop25
A declaration on #climatecrisis, energy transition and extractivism in #LatinAmerica.
"Social movements were organising their opposition to #COP25 - in which those most affected by climate violence would be sidelined - even before the popular mobilisation started in #Chile and Sebastián Piñera suspended the talks.
A gathering in Chile in September brought together frontline defenders to discuss the climate crisis, a just energy transition from the mining extractivist model that is killing Chileans and people all over the global South.
Now, following the brutal repression of the uprising and Piñera’s attempts to avoid scrutiny, their analysis is more important than ever.
read here the full declaration:
#noCOP25 #climatejustice #environmentaljustice
#ClimateJustice #ClimateCrisis #environmentaljustice #NoCop25 #Chile #cop25 #latinamerica
Who of you would join a media campaign in solidarity with the uprising in #Chile (and any other struggle that is being repressed by the leaders of the world, that aim to portray themself as those leading the path for climatejustice)
What, How, Why:
Currently there is the #COP25 happening. An event that suggests to be about #climatejustice, while it actually is a gathering of murders.
It is hosted by #Chile in #Spain, the country that has a long history of colonizing in the so called area #Chile.
In #Chile there is currently an uprising for socialjustice/enviornmental protection/climatejustice... happening. It is heavily repressed by the state.
The event was announced to take place in Chile, but with the uprising they decided to better host it in #europe, simply for the reason that we do not notice their violence, so that we don't question their legitamacy, to break solidarity with ppl in Chile.
For the #cop25 there's a hashtag called #timeforaction
You can use it in combination of #timeforsolidarity.
#ClimateJustice #NoCop25 #timeforsolidarity #TimeForAction #europe #spain #cop25 #Chile
Wer für die #COP25 mobilisiert, macht sich mitschuldig an der Unterdrückung von sozialen/umwelt Kämpfen die gerade in #Chile stattfinden.
Wer für die #COP25 mobilisiert, gibt Legitimität für dieses mörderische Treiben gegen welches Menschen aus Chile sich versuchen zu widersetzen.
Entweder du solidarisierst dich mit den Unterdrückten, oder du lässt dich auf die falschen Versprechen ihrer Unterdrücker ein.
”The destruction of something man-made is called ‘vandalism,’ while the destruction of nature is called ‘progress.’
spotted in #Chile as an adbusting, published via @crimethinc_inofficial@newsbots.eu within an analysis here:
"Destruir algo creado por el hombre lo llaman vandalismo, pero destruir algo creado por la naturaleza lo llaman progreso."
Meanwhile the social unrest in Chile, is the goverment tryn to gain legitamacy for their systematic opression by hosting the #COP25 in #Spain.
There's a call to break that legitamcy through direct action.
Join in from 2 - 13.12 #NoCop25
here the call:
#NoCop25 #spain #cop25 #ourstreet #hablemosdeviolencia #Chile
"December 2nd, the rulers of the world are coming to Madrid. Some of the biggest murderers of this planet, of the biggest responsible of its devastation. They come to fill their mouths and calendars with the next plans of “fight against climate change”. While global capitalism continues intact and most of the CO2 emissions emanate from industrial production, while their companies keep devastating forests and mountains to extract its natural resources. ..."
Read the full call here:
And join the blackblock in #Madrid in awarness of the struggles in #Chile.
#cop25 #Chile #madrid #NoCop25
#NoCop25 – Die Weltklimakonferenz in #Madrid zum Desaster machen - #ClimateJustice #antireport - Weiterlesen: https://enough-is-enough14.org/2019/11/17/nocop25-die-weltklimakonferenz-in-madrid-zum-desaster-machen/
#ClimateJustice #antireport #madrid #NoCop25
#NoCop25: Turning the World Climate Conference Into a Disaster - #ClimateJustice #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2019/11/17/nocop25-turning-the-world-climate-conference-into-a-disaster/
#ClimateJustice #antireport #NoCop25