@theappletree not to mention that #Ireland - unlike the #UK or rather #Britain - remains not only a #EU member but is also obligated and following it's #HumaRights and #ECHR rules and statutes.
Meaning that Ireland can't legally flex on an anglican minority and would be obligated to accept their human rights regardless of political weather in the Dalí...
Whereas the UK went #NoDeal per #Brexit as they don't even want to follow such basic rules even #Switzerland & äLiechtenstein do.
#switzerland #Brexit #NoDeal #echr #humarights #EU #britain #UK #Ireland
4 Dec 1558: Bishops David Pole, Nicholas Heath, Edmiund Bonner, Gilbert Bourne & James Turberville write to new queen Elizabeth I on behalf of Catholic clergy urging her to remain loyal to Papacy #otd