Da jetzt wieder das #gartenjahr beginnt ein kleiner Tip zu einem großen Wissensschatz: #NoDigGarden von #charlesdowding
No dig heißt, den Boden möglichst ungestört zu lassen, um das #bodenleben zu erhalten, mit all seinen #mikroorganismen
Jedes Jahr eine dünne Schicht #kompost aufs Beet statt tiefem Umgraben. Der Ertrag aus dem #garten nimmt mit der Zeit zu. Der Arbeitsaufwand ist relativ gering.
Durch #versetzteAussaat und Voranzucht gibt es permanente Ernten.
#versetzteaussaat #garten #kompost #mikroorganismen #bodenleben #charlesdowding #NoDigGarden #Gartenjahr
Sunny day collecting ting leaves and spreading mulch. Dahlias, calendula and gazanias hanging into summer, determined.
#gardening #flowers #mulch #autumn #NoDigGarden #WestLothian #horticulture #plants
#plants #horticulture #westlothian #NoDigGarden #autumn #mulch #flowers #gardening
Sunny day collecting leaves and mulching. Dahlias, calendula and gazanias hanging on to summer.
#gardening #autumn #mulch #scotland #horticulture #plants #NoDigGarden
#NoDigGarden #plants #horticulture #scotland #mulch #autumn #gardening
And Pi just wants to hug his plants. Please don't tell him I haven't planted that side yet!
#NoDigGarden #piandphizzy #cats
Has commenced.
One done so far, I may do the other one this afternoon, or tomorrow. There is no urgency, the seeds have not yet arrived and I need to sprout them first, anyway.
I did not get as many layers in as I thought, not sure if I am doing them too thick, or it will compress a bit over time and with water. Probably a bit of both. I did buy too much stuff on purpose, figuring it would keep/be tradable.
But hazaah!