Climate Justice Groups Celebrate Another Defeat of Manchin’s Dirty Deal - People vs. Fossil Fuels
For the third time environmental justice groups and legislators say no to Schumer and Manchin’s “permitting reform” and fast track approval for the Mountain Valley Pipeline. We remain alert to the reappearance of the zombie, but celebrate another win. #NoDirtyDeal #NoMVP #StopMVP #EnvironmentalJustice #FossilFreeFuture
#NoDirtyDeal #nomvp #StopMVP #environmentaljustice #FossilFreeFuture
We stopped Sen.Manchin's #DirtyDeal – for now. But Manchin is still trying to pass his deal in the Senate.
Please call your Senators TODAY at 888-997-5380 and tell them to oppose this dirty pipeline deal! #NoDirtyDeal 🛑🛢️✊🏿✊🏽✊🏾
The people and the zombies are out today at the U.S. Capitol to say NO ZOMBIE PIPELINE, NO ZOMBIE BILL! No #NoDirtyDeal. #StopMVP #PeoplevsZombies
#NoDirtyDeal #StopMVP #peoplevszombies
House rule vote on attaching #DirtyDeal to #NDAA tomorrow morning!
I just called my Senator, Representative, & Speaker Pelosi to urge them to block Senator Manchin’s #DirtyDeal. Please join me! Call 917-791-2257, (888) 997-5380, & (202) 225-4965 & use the script below 👇. #PeoplevsFossilFuels
“Hi, my name is ____, & I’m from ____. As your constituent I’m urging you to vote NO on any rule that would advance Senator Manchin’s dirty permitting deal. I'm deeply concerned about any legislation that would fast-track fossil fuel projects and undermine our ability to give input on new energy projects.”
#ClimateEmergency #EnergyJustice #NoDirtyDeal #StopMVP #PeopleVsFossilFuels
#DirtyDeal #ndaa #PeopleVsFossilFuels #climateemergency #EnergyJustice #NoDirtyDeal #StopMVP
NEW from Everyone should have a say.
Environmental "regulatory reform" can speed a #JustTransition and bolster #EnvironmentalJustice. #DirtyDeal #NoDirtyDeal #ProtectNEPA #ProtectYourVoice
#justtransition #environmentaljustice #DirtyDeal #NoDirtyDeal #ProtectNEPA #ProtectYourVoice
RT @CJAOurPower: BREAKING: The heads of 13 climate + EJ orgs are on Capitol Hill in DC right now, risking arrest to denounce Senator Manchin’s #DirtyDeal to fast-track fossil fuel projects.
We stand w/ them and the frontline-led movement rising up to say #NoDirtyDeal!