Sign the petition urging the government to pull out of the Energy Charter Treaty that is blocking climate action in the UK. #ExitECT #NoECT:
Thank you to @columbiaclimate for interviewing me about the withdrawal by several 🇪🇺 EU member states from the @Energy_Charter Treaty – one of the biggest #ClimateAction developments of 2022! #ISDS #noECT 💚 @CCSI_Columbia
Langjährige Arbeit, Protest, richtige Schwerpunkte setzen lohnen sich: Deutschland tritt aus dem fossilen #Energiecharta-Vertrag aus! Wichtig 4 @EU_Rat Beschlussfassung 15-16.12. über #EU -Verbleib #ECT. Es geht um #Klimagerechtigkeit. #noECT via @campact
#Energiecharta #EU #ECT #KlimaGerechtigkeit #NoECT
RT @TNInstitute: The European Parliament has voted in favour of a coordinated exit of the EU countries from the Energy Charter Treaty #ECT! This is a great step ahead, especially after COP27 failed to reach a strong position against fossil fuels #NoECT
Europees Parlement vraagt nu om gecoordineerde uitstap uit de Energy Charter Treaty. Mooie groene overwinning:
RT @GreensEFA: @europarl_en @anna_cavazzini @marietouss1 @saskiabricmont @BasEickhout @micha_bloss @juttapaulusrlp @VilleNiinisto @FYEG @europeangreens @EU_Commission This is how MEPs from different political groups voted on #ExitECT.⬇️
#EnergyCharterTreaty #ECT #NoECT
🐦🔗: https://nit
#ExitECT #EnergyCharterTreaty #ECT #NoECT
Europees Parlement vraagt nu om gecoordineerde uitstap uit de Energy Charter Treaty. Mooie groene overwinning:
RT @GreensEFA: @europarl_en @anna_cavazzini @marietouss1 @saskiabricmont @BasEickhout @micha_bloss @juttapaulusrlp @VilleNiinisto @FYEG @europeangreens @EU_Commission This is how MEPs from different political groups voted on #ExitECT.⬇️
#EnergyCharterTreaty #ECT #NoECT
🐦🔗: https://nit
#ExitECT #EnergyCharterTreaty #ECT #NoECT
@europarl_en @anna_cavazzini @marietouss1 @saskiabricmont @BasEickhout @micha_bloss @juttapaulusrlp @VilleNiinisto @FYEG @europeangreens @EU_Commission This is how MEPs from different political groups voted on #ExitECT.⬇️
#ExitECT #EnergyCharterTreaty #ECT #NoECT
RT @TNInstitute: The European Parliament has voted in favour of a coordinated exit of the EU countries from the Energy Charter Treaty #ECT! This is a great step ahead, especially after COP27 failed to reach a strong position against fossil fuels #NoECT
The European Parliament has voted in favour of a coordinated exit of the EU countries from the Energy Charter Treaty #ECT! This is a great step ahead, especially after COP27 failed to reach a strong position against fossil fuels #NoECT
RT @ernesturtasun
Conseguido! El Parlamento Europeo exige la salida coordinada de los países de la UE del Tratado de la Carta de la Energía! Un gran paso para deshacernos de los combustibles fósile…
"The integrity of the #ParisAgreement is critically undermined by the #EnergyCharterTreaty. Europe and others should withdraw from this shambolic and dangerous anachronism if we are to stay within 1.5C (of global warming)."
"how about we have a radical transformation of society?"
#StopISDS #EndFossilFuelProtection
#parisagreement #energychartertreaty #ExitECT #NoECT #StopISDS #EndFossilFuelProtection
"Under European law, the EU cannot remain a party to the #EnergyCharterTreaty if the text is not modernised. If the EU rejects the modernised text, the old text remains in force and the EU must leave the treaty."
Bart-Jaap Verbeek @SOMO #Cop27
🚨#NoECT 🚨@EU_Commission must coordinate 🇪🇺#ExitECT NOW!
#ClimateJustice #PeopleNotProfit
Modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty / Understanding what is at stake and what’s next @ysaheb
#energychartertreaty #COP27 #NoECT #ExitECT #climatejustice #PeopleNotProfit #StopISDS
“This is a historic moment in the fight to protect our planet from the fossil fuel giants whose business has been protected by the #ECT."
"Neither the 🇪🇺 nor member states can adopt the new #EnergyCharterTreaty and they cannot remain a party to an agreement that fundamentally conflicts with EU law. The
@EU_Commission is left with no choice but to propose a full EU #ECT withdrawal."
Amandine Van Den Berghe, ClientEarth lawyer
🚨@TimmermansEU EU #ExitECT NOW! #NoECT
#ECT #energychartertreaty #ExitECT #NoECT
"Derailing" a reform process of a treaty that is not reformable since IT UNDERMINES EU RULE OF LAW + any meaningful climate action!
@vonderleyen #ExitECT NOW! does not mean "new reform" it means #NoECT + NO MORE #ISDS
"Either we kill this treaty or the treaty will kill us."
🔥💀Dawn Of The ECT 💀🔥
Potent graphic courtesy of @krustelkram.
🔥💀Dawn of the ECT💀🔥 Comic about the #EnergyCharterTreaty is available in 🇬🇧🇪🇸🇫🇷🇩🇪 for free:
#energychartertreaty #StopISDS #NoECT
🔥 Breaking News:
"Having @Trade_EU prepare coordinated exit of #ECT is now the only sensible way forward. Should also be the core message of our plenary resolution this week. We need to free ourselves from the shackles of #ISDS and all other obstacles on the way to our #GreenDeal. #ExitECT
Bernd Lange, Chair of International Trade Department of the EU
@EU_Commission It's time for Europe 🇪🇺 to leave this climate wrecking treaty! #NoECT #StopISDS
#energychartertreaty #ECT #isds #greendeal #ExitECT #NoECT #StopISDS
#EnergyCharterTreaty reform was not approved by EU Member States!
+ in Sep 2021, Court of Justice of 🇪🇺 asserted that the ECT undermines the role of EU courts and their “right to regulate”. @TimmermansEU @vonderleyen
Prevent legal chaos and an EU crisis. It's time to #EndFossilFuelProtection the
@EU_Commission must #ExitECT
🚨before November 22 🚨
🔥 💀 Dawn of the ECT💀 🔥
#energychartertreaty #EndFossilFuelProtection #ExitECT #StopISDS #NoECT
Le Traité sur la charte de l'énergie est un obstacle majeur à la transition énergétique.
➡️La Belgique et l’UE doivent organiser un retrait coordonné du #TCE, qui est incompatible avec les objectifs climatiques, malgré sa modernisation annoncée.
Read all the details in @ysaheb's important new #ECT briefing + demand @EU_Commission to #ExitECT 🚨BEFORE Nov 22nd🚨:
🔥💀Dawn of the ECT💀🔥
Comic about the #EnergyCharterTreaty is a available in 🇬🇧🇪🇸🇫🇷🇩🇪 for free:
#ECT #ExitECT #energychartertreaty #StopISDS #NoECT
"EU backs #COP27 call to phase down all fossil fuels."
“To be coherent,
@EU_Commission & EU Member States should withdraw from
the #EnergyCharterTreaty
& terminate treaties with #ISDS/ICS, neutralizing survival clauses.”
#COP27 #energychartertreaty #isds #ExitECT #StopISDS #NoECT