The tag #noestimates was first used in the sense "We just finished a product, working with no estimates; let's discuss." I've worked on significant products where we used no estimates, as have many others. How can it be a hoax when people actually work that way & it works well?
RT @TotherAlistair
@lloydjatkinson @ryanripley people who don't understand story points broadcasting they are bad, people who don't understand estimates …
Hard to know. It was from a LinkedIn post, and later on in the post, he says: "Can you imagine hiring an electrician to wire your new house and getting a self-taught kid with no training, no certifications, no standards or codes to meet, and no chance for any inspection from a neutral 3rd party?" Sounds like he's either never actually programmed anything or is wearing blinders. I hear this a lot, though, often from the same people who rail against #NoEstimates and #MobProgramming.
@drwex There's some good stuff on Just google #NoEstimates and you'll find a ton of stuff. I'd also read up on Lean thinking. Goldratt's "The Goal" is a good start, as are Dan Vacanti's various books are all good.