Fascists skulking in the night to leave their hate-filled propaganda in Ridley Township, Delaware County PA. Capitalist courts, cops, and politicians won't stop them. Mobilizing the power of the working class and oppressed is necessary. Mass action and organized defense guards are urgent tasks.
The car delivering hate is a 2010 ford escape XLT. The limited package has a screen in the center where this one doesn’t. Doors and center console match. Fascist chud really needs to be found.
#smashfascism #NoFascistUSA #nazipunksfuckoff
Reactionary "Moms for Liberty" which are the leaders of the offensive against "woke", CRT, Black history and weaponizing hate and lies against LGBT people are coming to Philadelphia the week of June 29th. Big action the evening (7 PM) of the 29th outside the "reception" at the Museum of the American Revolution. Other smaller actions during the day on the 29th. Other actions on the 30th (details as yet unclear). Speakers at the conference include white nationalists and christian nationalists. Also, DeSantis, Trump and Nicki Haley.
#SmashFascism #FightTheRight #NoFascistUSA
#smashfascism #fighttheright #NoFascistUSA
#AnarchistMemes #AntiFascist #AntiRacist #AntiAbuse #KYLR #Tactical #AntiMilitarism #AntiWar #FAFO #BashBack #FuckTheProudBoys #ACAB #NoFascistUSA #AntiImperialist #Survivalist #ArmTheQueers #TransPower #FCKH8 #NOH8 #FCKNZS #QueerPower :queeranarchy:
#anarchistmemes #antifascist #AntiRacist #antiabuse #kylr #tactical #antimilitarism #antiwar #fafo #BashBack #FuckTheProudBoys #acab #NoFascistUSA #antiimperialist #survivalist #armthequeers #transpower #fckh8 #noh8 #fcknzs #queerpower
#AnarchistMemes #AntiFascist #AntiRacist #AntiAbuse #KYLR #Tactical #AntiMilitarism #AntiWar #FAFO #BashBack #FuckTheProudBoys #ACAB #NoFascistUSA #AntiImperialist #Survivalist #ArmTheQueers #TransPower #FCKH8 #NOH8 #FCKNZS #QueerPower :queeranarchy:
#anarchistmemes #antifascist #AntiRacist #antiabuse #kylr #tactical #antimilitarism #antiwar #fafo #BashBack #FuckTheProudBoys #acab #NoFascistUSA #antiimperialist #survivalist #armthequeers #transpower #fckh8 #noh8 #fcknzs #queerpower
#Racist #fascist #RonDeSantis tries to BLOCK African Amerikan courses in schools
#racist #fascist #rondesantis #USAShitShow #NoFascistUSA #fl #florida
#USAShitShow #CallThemWhatTheyAreFASCISTS #nonazis #NoFascistUSA #GOPieceOfShit #CPACHungary #Viktator #ViktorOrbán #trumpcult #MeidasTouch
EVERYBODY: THIS vid is a must-see if you are an #antifascist
Hey #MarjorieTrainwreckGreene! You were banned cuz you're bonkers
#MTG's '#WhiteNationalistConference' Appearance Is Indefensible
#MarjorieTaylorGreene spoke at a conference hosted by white nationalists. The crowd applauded MTG as she proclaimed that the COVID-19 vaccine shouldn't have...
#AntiFascist #nonazis #NoFascistUSA #MarjorieTrainwreckGreene #mtg #WhiteNationalistConference #MarjorieTaylorGreene
OUT IN THE OPEN! #US ! Step up!
#Arizona #Governor Says He'd Rather Have a #WhiteNationalist in State Legislature than a #Democrat
#DougDucey spent $500,000 to help elect Wendy Rogers — a lawmaker who’s making common cause with overt racists. He’s apparently just fine with that decision
#nonazis #us #NoFascistUSA #arizona #governor #whitenationalist #democrat #dougducey