We don’t need videos.
As the Ayotzinapa 43 families have been saying since 2014, after 43 beloveds in Iguala, Guerrero, were disappeared and likely murdered, including by police, “We want them back alive.”
Meaning: they never should have been killed.
We shouldn’t need videos to somehow prove that we want every single person murdered-by-cop to be alive. That their names should still be spoken to them, here in this world. That each and every person assassinated by police was loved and lovable, and never deserved that kind of death.
We shouldn’t need videos as evidence that there are no good cops.
The proof is in the grieving people left behind, the uprisings fueled by rage and sorrow, the abolitionist and stop cop cities/academies organizing and direct action, the myriad forms of solidarity, the murals and tags on urban walls, the DIY altars.
“We want them back alive.”
For that to have full meaning, we want and need and fight for a world without police.
#AllCopsAreBad #ACAB
(photo: downtown storefront boarded up with plywood and then tagged with graffiti asserting #NoGoodCops and #Fuck12 as seen on stolen Ho-Chunk lands in so-called Madison, WI, after the windows were smashed during the George Floyd uprising in 2020)
#AllCopsAreBad #acab #nomorestolenlives #carenotcops #AllComradesAreBeautiful #towardaworldwithoutpolice #SolidarityIsOurBestWeapon #NoGoodCops #fuck12