Gotta love when in a small #American semi-rural community on the outer fringe of a metro area - people feel the need to wear #SideArms into stores and restaurants (for “self defense”) but are comfortable leaving infants alone strapped in car seats inside running vehicles while they sip coffee in the bakery. The #CognitiveDissonance is amazing.
#GunControl #SelfDefense #2A #Safety #ChildNeglect #WastingGas #GunSafety #BabySitting #NoIdling #Emissions #Gun #Risk #BadParenting #Merica #WTF
#WTF #merica #badparenting #risk #gun #emissions #NoIdling #babysitting #gunsafety #wastinggas #childneglect #Safety #2a #selfdefense #guncontrol #cognitivedissonance #sidearms #american