> There is.. evidence that the #HardNo is being spoken when the writer seems a traitor (#GrahamGreene..) to those whom he loves and who have conditioned his very way of responding to the world. When the writer says of precisely the cause that is dearest to him what is always and everywhere the truth about all causes; that it has been imperfectly conceived, inadequately represented, and that it is bound to be betrayed.. we know that he is approaching art.. greatness.
#LeslieFiedler #NoInThunder
#NoInThunder #LeslieFIedler #grahamgreene #hardno
> Arundhati Roy: ‘The point of the writer is to be unpopular’
- https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/jun/17/arundhati-roy-interview-you-ask-the-questions-the-point-of-the-writer-is-to-be-unpopular
#arundhatiroy #GreatWriters #NoInThunder #LeslieFIedler
> What people, what party, what church needs an enemy when it has a great writer in its ranks!
- https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.184005/mode/2up
#LeslieFIedler #NoInThunder #GreatWriters #Literature #essay
#essay #literature #GreatWriters #NoInThunder #LeslieFIedler
> He is said, on Robert Buchanan's authority, to have thundered "No," when in his later years he was asked if he were a Christian. But his defiance was the defiance of a Christian, the dauntlessness of a knight of the Holy Ghost. Perhaps it is that he was more Christian than the Christians.
- https://www.gutenberg.org/files/12600/12600-h/12600-h.htm#VII
#RobertBrowning #RoberLynd #LeslieFielder #NoInThunder #GreatWriters
#GreatWriters #NoInThunder #LeslieFielder #RoberLynd #RobertBrowning