if we raised taxes on the rich, they wouldn't be able to use their money to bribe our elected representatives. them threatening to leave the country is just a bonus.
#taxtherich #corruption #NoMoreBillionaires
If all #billionaires were like #stocktonrush, the world would be a much better place. #oceangate #titanic #submarine #submersible #catostrophic #implosion #Anticapitalist #anticapitalism #communusm #eattherich #taxtherich #nomorebillionaires #socialism #leftist #anarchism #marxism #liberal #democrats #democraticsocialism #onepercent #98percent #orcas #organizedlabor #yachts #orcarevolution #politics #iowa #billionairesshouldnotexist
#billionaires #stocktonrush #oceangate #titanic #submarine #submersible #catostrophic #implosion #anticapitalist #anticapitalism #communusm #eattherich #taxtherich #NoMoreBillionaires #socialism #leftist #anarchism #marxism #liberal #democrats #democraticsocialism #onepercent #98percent #orcas #organizedlabor #yachts #orcarevolution #politics #iowa #billionairesshouldnotexist
This morning I was lying in bed thinking about what's wrong with the US (as we often do). As I was trying to parse my thoughts, this occurred to me:
Capitalism is a game where the top finishers get to lead whatever life they choose, but the ones that come in last are forced to die in an alley in the cold.
#capitalism #TaxTheRich #CancelBillionaires #IncomeInequality #PayEquity #CaringEconomy #CapitalismKills #NoMoreBillionaires #CapitalismIsACult #Billionaires
#billionaires #capitalismisacult #NoMoreBillionaires #capitalismkills #CaringEconomy #payequity #incomeinequality #CancelBillionaires #taxtherich #Capitalism
#fucktherich #anticapitalism #AbolishTheRich #AbolishBillionaires #NoMoreBillionaires
#fucktherich #anticapitalism #AbolishTheRich #AbolishBillionaires #NoMoreBillionaires
As Zoom lays off 15% of its employees (1,300 people have lost their Zoom jobs), CEO Eric Yuan has cut his salary from $300,000 to $6,000, and said he will take no bonus this year.
Which would be a breathtaking act of responsible leadership, if he weren't already worth US$4,000,000,000.
So he lost half his wealth. If I lost half of mine, I'd be sad. Perhaps he is sad about losing half of his.
But I am not sad about him losing half of his wealth.
the highest yearly income in the world = 24,000 times the yearly income @ US federal minimum wage #inequality #capitalism #nomorebillionaires
#inequality #capitalism #NoMoreBillionaires
$TSLA will be testing the $105 floor soon. #NoMoreBillionaires #ElonSucks #DownWithTheOligarchy
#downwiththeoligarchy #elonsucks #NoMoreBillionaires
@rbreich to destroy competition and jack up prices. Picture lazy fat cats is the analogy. #corporations #NoMoreBillionaires
#corporations #NoMoreBillionaires
@mastodonmigration These billionaires want to harvest us. #EatTheRich #NoMoreBillionaires
#eattherich #NoMoreBillionaires
@conradhackett I thought Bill Gates took up the most space. #TaxTheRich #NoMoreBillionaires
#taxtherich #NoMoreBillionaires
@maxzor @Quinnae_Moon Billionaires are exponentially getting wealthier and Accel vs. Decel makes little difference as it relates to the ultra rich imo. #EatTheRich #NoMoreBillionaires
#eattherich #NoMoreBillionaires
"Not all journalists are bad, but far too many are." -Elon Musk
Not all billionaires are jerks, but Elon Musk is. -Pretty Much All Of Us
Abolish the ruling class.
#AbolishCapitalism #NoMoreBillionaires #Capitalism #CapitalismIsADeathTrap #CapitalismIsACult
#abolishcapitalism #NoMoreBillionaires #capitalism #capitalismisadeathtrap #capitalismisacult