Aus Anlass des 15-jährigen Jubiläums der #NoMoreHeroes-Reihe gibt es ein neues Video von Serienschöpfer Gōichi „Suda51“ Suda, in welchem er sich an wichtige Meilensteine erinnert. Ob Travis nochmal zurückkehrt?
Any fellow #SUDA51 fans out there ❓
If that's you, do yourself a favor and check out The Art of #GrasshopperManufacture ❤️
A very cool #book showcasing the artistry of the team.
#BlackKnightSword #BloodPlus #Contact #DiabolicalPitch #Gaming #FatalFrame #FlowerSunAndRain #FrogMinutes #Killer7 #KillerIsDead #LetItDie #LiberationMaiden #LollipopChainsaw #NoMoreHeroes #SamuraiChamploo #ShadowsOfTheDamned #ShiningSoul #ShortPeace #SineMora #TheSilverCase #VideoGames
#videogames #thesilvercase #sinemora #shortpeace #shiningsoul #ShadowsOfTheDamned #samuraichamploo #NoMoreHeroes #lollipopchainsaw #liberationmaiden #LetItDie #KillerIsDead #Killer7 #frogminutes #flowersunandrain #fatalframe #Gaming #diabolicalpitch #contact #bloodplus #blackknightsword #book #grasshoppermanufacture #Suda51
Suda51 cans rumour he's working on an Alien game without saying a word - #GrasshopperManufacture #ActionAdventure #ScienceFiction #NoMoreHeroes #Blockbuster #Horror #Suda51 #Alien
#alien #suda51 #horror #blockbuster #NoMoreHeroes #sciencefiction #ActionAdventure #grasshoppermanufacture
No More Heroes developers Grasshopper bought by NetEase - #NoMoreHeroesII:DesperateStruggle #GrasshopperManufacture #TheSilverCase #NeteaseGames #NoMoreHeroes ##business #Killer7 #NetEase #Action
#NoMoreHeroesII #grasshoppermanufacture #TheSilverCase #NeteaseGames #NoMoreHeroes #business #Killer7 #netease #action
Марафон в поддержку русификации No More Heroes | День 3
Killed is Dead
#NMH #NoMoreHeroes #KillerIsDead
No More Heroes review: without motion controls, this port loses its charm on PC - #GrasshopperManufacture #NoMoreHeroes #Marvelous #WotIThink #Action #Suda51 #XSEED
#grasshoppermanufacture #NoMoreHeroes #marvelous #wotithink #action #suda51 #XSEED
No More Heroes and its sequel have finally touched down on PC - #NoMoreHeroesII:DesperateStruggle #GrasshopperManufacture #NoMoreHeroes #Marvelous #Suda51 #Action #XSEED
#NoMoreHeroesII #grasshoppermanufacture #NoMoreHeroes #marvelous #suda51 #action #XSEED
No More Heroes 1 and 2 complete their 13-year journey to PC this week - #NoMoreHeroesII:DesperateStruggle #GrasshopperManufacture #NoMoreHeroes #Suda51 #XSEED
#NoMoreHeroesII #grasshoppermanufacture #NoMoreHeroes #suda51 #XSEED
К слову. Там открылось новое местечко для поклонников творений-высеров «Grasshopper Manufacture» и самого Гоичи Суда / «Suda51».
Welcome! И да, там уже есть одна штук про «No More Heroes 2».
#Suda51 #grasshoppermanufacture #NoMoreHeroes