I became an abolitionist when I understood the function of police and realized that to me nothing they protect was worth having at the price of the deadly violence they inflict on my neighbors, my family, my beloved community. I became an anarchist when I understood that every other form of social organization requires police for its very existence.
#anarchy #anarchism #Abolition #abolitionism #NoMorePolice
R/T @Radical_EgoCom
The courts will never hold these murderers accountable for their crimes because the entire system is made up of BASTARDS!
#Abolition #PoliceAbolition #StopCopCity #Tort #Tortuguita #ATL #Atlanta #NoMorePolice #Bryland_Myers #Jonathan_Lamb #Jerry_Parrish #Ronaldo_Kegel #Jonathan_Salcedo #Royce_Zah #BrylandMyers #JonathanLamb #JerryParrish #JonathanSalcedo #RonaldoKegel #RoyceZah #DefendTheForest #ForestDefence
#Abolition #policeabolition #StopCopCity #Tort #tortuguita #atl #atlanta #NoMorePolice #bryland_myers #jonathan_lamb #jerry_parrish #ronaldo_kegel #jonathan_salcedo #royce_zah #brylandmyers #jonathanlamb #jerryparrish #jonathansalcedo #ronaldokegel #roycezah #DefendTheForest #ForestDefence
#NoMorePolice #NoSoftPolice #Abolition #InterruptingCriminalization #imaginingabolition #AbolirLaPolice #CareNotCops #AbolishThePolice #ABolissonsLaPolice #BuildCommunities #BuildCommunity
#NoMorePolice #nosoftpolice #abolition #InterruptingCriminalization #imaginingabolition #AbolirLaPolice #CareNotCops #abolishthepolice #AbolissonsLaPolice #buildcommunities #buildcommunity
UPDATE: tried to register and it's closed
Amazing event tomorrow from Project NIA (@projectnia) and Interrupting Criminalization
(@interruptcrim) (@dreanyc123/@prisonculture)
Join us for final #NoMorePolice event Mon 2/13, 5:30pm ET, on "soft policing”- policing, coercion, criminalization enacted by people other than cops, including counselors, health care providers, public health officials. Featuring seriously all-star lineup! CC, ASL, Spanish interpretation.
RT @dreanyc123@twitter.com
What I learned since Rodney King:
It doesn't matter who does it
It doesn't matter where they live
It doesn't matter how good the policy is
It doesn't matter how much oversight there is
It doesn't matter how many prosecutions or consent decrees
Policing is violence.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/dreanyc123/status/1619367781111300097
RT @interruptcrim
"A single conviction of a single cop won’t change the system that produced and enabled him; in fact, it only emboldens it to continue business as usual under the pretext that it can deliver justice."
—@prisonculture and @dreanyc123 in #NoMorePolice (http://bit.ly/NoMorePolice)
Five Memphis officers who beat man so brutally that he died in hospital days later. You don't have to be white to uphold the white supremacist status quo. (Just as the white supremacist status quo doesn't necessarily benefit you if you are white, in fact it holds the majority of white people down)
#acab #NoMorePolice
"One thing I'll say is, there are more people than ever who embrace abolitionist politics, and I think that is a testament not just to the continued organizing of abolitionists, but also to the fact that more people do see these contradictions. More people understand that as we keep pouring resources into these death-making institutions, it is very, very harmful to life." - MK
Teen Vogue interview with Mariame Kaba and Andrea Ritchie on #Abolition
#acab #fuckcops #CopsAreMurderers #CopsareTerrorists #PoliceAreStateTerrorists #policearetheperpetrators #Killcops #fuckthepolice #ThePoliceAreNotYourFriends #NoMorePolice
#acab #fuckcops #CopsAreMurderers #CopsareTerrorists #policearestateterrorists #policearetheperpetrators #Killcops #fuckthepolice #ThePoliceAreNotYourFriends #NoMorePolice
#MariameKaba on the problems with #SoftPolicing and coercive responses to #MentalHealth
Full Interview: https://youtu.be/TfBO0jEcplw
@LucyStag #nonserviammedia #abolition #transformativejustice #policeabolition #prisonabolition #nomorepolice
#MariameKaba #softpolicing #mentalhealth #nonserviammedia #Abolition #transformativejustice #policeabolition #prisonabolition #NoMorePolice
Recently @LucyStag spoke with author & organizer #MariameKaba about her newest book #NoMorePolice & more.
Check it out! 🏴
#NonServiamMedia #policeabolition #prisonabolition #acab #defundthepolice #prisons
#MariameKaba #NoMorePolice #nonserviammedia #policeabolition #prisonabolition #acab #DefundThePolice #prisons
For the #abolition curious!
I haven't read this one yet, I'm still on #NoMorePolice but an interview with with Mariame Kaba is not to be missed! (I did listen to The Stacks podcasts that book, highly recommend.)
She's got those answers to questions people always ask first about #PrisonAboliition - some examples here - https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/dean-spade-common-question-about-police-and-prison-abolition-and-responses
#prisonbyanyothername #prisonaboliition #NoMorePolice #abolition
RT @interruptcrim@twitter.com
"The reason #DefundThePolice resonates with people is because we’re saying what we actually want to see happen." —@prisonculture@twitter.com, in this interview alongside @dreanyc123@twitter.com about defund, abolition, and their book #NoMorePolice: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/29/police-defund-abolition-mariame-kaba-andrea-j-ritchie https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1590213966999216128
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/interruptcrim/status/1590478100672172036
#NoMorePolice #DefundThePolice
RT @dreanyc123
Sadly we need to cancel tonight’s outdoor #NoMorePolice event in Seattle with @deanspade & @DecrimSeattle for everyone’s safety due to high levels of smoke & poor air quality.
In other words, #DefundPolice fund climate resilience & climate demands in #SeattleSolidarityBudget
#NoMorePolice #DefundPolice #SeattleSolidarityBudget