Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1620524189156364288#m
#MMIWG2S Indigenous Women are 12 times more likely to be murdered than any other women in Canada. The hashtag has expanded to include women, girls and two spirited
#Anonymous Indigenous Unit
#MMIWG2S #Anonymous #NoMoreStolenSisters #MMIWG #MMIW
RT @CrazyNative1492@twitter.com
We will be setting up a permanent Blockade at Brady landfill of Winnipeg Manitoba where 4 indigenous sisters said to be. Our women deserve Justice & their voices will be heard, We will make sure of it!
We will also defend ourselves till the very end!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CrazyNative1492/status/1604315709563195392
No more missing and murdered Indigenous women. No more silenced Indigenous women.
#mmiw #NoMoreStolenSisters #portland #pdx
In die Mitte des vorweihnachtlichen Treibens, in die Mitte der Gesellschaft gehören die Gesichter und Geschichten der Frauen und Mädchen, die ermordet wurden oder noch vermisst werden.
In die Mitte von uns (auch hier in Europa) gehört das Thema der ermordeten und vermissten indigenen Frauen und Mädchen in den USA & CAN.
Damit es endlich aufhört.
#MMIW #MMIWG #NoMoreStolenSisters #indigenous #indigenouspeople #indigenousrights #gewaltgegenfrauen @AmnestyDdorf
#mmiw #mmiwg #NoMoreStolenSisters #indigenous #indigenouspeople #indigenousrights #gewaltgegenfrauen
AKTIONSWOCHE Gewalt gegen Frauen & Mädchen!
Wir sind dabei und Ihr trefft uns am 27.11.22 auf dem Benrather Weihnachtsmarkt (15.-17.00 Uhr).
#düsseldorf #Benrath
#femizid #NoMoreStolenSisters #NoMoreStolenRelatives #MMIW #MMIWGActionNow #MMIWG
@AmnestyDdorf @LePetitCitron
#dusseldorf #benrath #gewaltgegenfrauenundmadchen #femizid #NoMoreStolenSisters #NoMoreStolenRelatives #mmiw #mmiwgactionnow #mmiwg #missingandmurderedindigenouswomen
On the morning of May 5th, the A.D White and Ezra Cornell statues in Cornell University had banners and red handprints in recognition of the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. Cornell staff soon had them taken down.
Cornell Uni is the largest recipient of appropriated Indigenous land from the Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 and the institution that accrued the greatest financial benefit from that land.
#mmiw #NoMoreStolenSisters #mmiwg2s #MMIWawareness
I wear red on May 5th to honor missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit people.
The long-standing national (US) crisis of #MMIW can be attributed to the historical & intergenerational trauma caused by colonization + its legacy of violence, oppression & racism stretching back 500+ years.
Learn: n8ve.net/MTWPD
#NoMoreStolenSisters #MMIWActionNow #mmiw