Monica Frassoni · @monicafrassoni
5 followers · 884 posts · Server

Continua l'opera di smantellamento del in presenza di una crescente emergenza climatica e di soluzioni ancora fattibili per farvi fronte. Fra un po' costerà di più e sarà ancora piu difficile. Ecco chi ha fatto cadere in
RT @GreensEFA: Conservative @EPPGroup & liberal
@RenewEurope aligned with the far-right to block a new EU law to .

But they have 0 solution for farmers suffering from drought & floods!


#GreenDeal #AGRI #RestoreNature #NoNatureNoFo

Last updated 1 year ago

Sara Matthieu 🇪🇺 · @msaraswati
16 followers · 1080 posts · Server

Compleet onverantwoorde houding van de EPP door wet gewoon weg te stemmen in de landbouwcommissie. Hun electorale kruistocht tegen de green deal zet toekomst boeren en natuur op het spel
RT @GreensEFA: The @EPPGroup & @RenewEurope in AGRI committee choose to team up with extreme right to block a new law to .

Today's shameful vote only gives us more strength to keep fighting for farmers & food security.


#NatureRestoration #RestoreNature #NoNatureNoFo

Last updated 1 year ago