Latest #introduction post (🧵 threaded for history)
I am a #spinner and #weaver -- primarily drop spindles and #AndeanBackstrap weaving. I'm also an "Adjunct" over at #FU #FranquemontUniversity where I support the work of #AbbysYarns in Peru.
I've been part of #SCA #Caid through #textiles #medieval #reenactment and #bardic
I'm on hiatus from teaching #FCBD (formerly ATS) #bellydance where I coined #ThisBodyThisDay and #NoPressureNoShame
My Weaving Journey🧵 starts at
#introduction #spinner #weaver #AndeanBackstrap #FU #FranquemontUniversity #abbysyarns #SCA #Caid #textiles #medieval #reenactment #bardic #FCBD #Bellydance #ThisBodyThisDay #NoPressureNoShame
When I was teaching #FCBD #bellydance, I found it was important to set two rules as my key mottos for students (and myself). The number one rule: #NoPressureNoShame
As a teacher, I promise to never pressure or shame you.
Among my students, I will never tolerate pressuring or shaming one another.
And when you go home, I want you to try not to pressure or shame yourself.
Amazing how many adults learned for the first time that Shame does not HAVE to be part of motivation.
#FCBD #Bellydance #NoPressureNoShame
Better #introduction post (might as well thread them for history)
I am a #spinner and #weaver -- primarily drop spindles and #AndeanBackstrap weaving. I'm also an "Adjunct" over at #FU #FranquemontUniversity where I support the work of #AbbysYarns in Peru. I've been part of #SCA #Caid through #textiles #medieval #reenactment and #bardic performances. I'm on hiatus currently from teaching #FCBD (formerly ATS) #bellydance where I coined #ThisBodyThisDay and #NoPressureNoShame
#introduction #spinner #weaver #AndeanBackstrap #FU #FranquemontUniversity #abbysyarns #SCA #Caid #textiles #medieval #reenactment #bardic #FCBD #Bellydance #ThisBodyThisDay #NoPressureNoShame