Arizona moves closer to finalizing its mid-term election results #NoRedWave #Midterms #ElectionDeniersDefeated
#NoRedWave #Midterms #electiondeniersdefeated
We've seen #NoRedWave, except for the ketchup on Mar-a-Lago's walls! 😜 The Failson Fuhrer isn't so useful to his handlers now, is he? It's about time for some prosecutors to follow through!
The last two years one of my sources of personal irate-ness is that Lauren Boebert represents the part of Colorado where an important part of my childhood was spent and the knowledge that the relatives who still lived there voted for her... so I'm really happy she's trailing and have confirmed that at least three of those relatives voted for her opponent. #Elections #NoRedWave
RT @RepBrendanBoyle: I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say there’s no real precedent for a midterm election result like this, especially given the fundamentals. #NoRedWave