This is just the end of the beginning of #ClimateDisruption and the size of the anomalies is terrifying already.
We’ve been warned, again and again, and have so far done too little, too late #NoTimeToWaste #ClimateAction
#ClimateDisruption #NoTimeToWaste #ClimateAction
This electrolyzer consumes 53 kWh/1 kg #hydrogen energy. 1kg H2 gives you a range of 100km. 50kWh in a battery gives you 300km. #DoTheMath #NoTimeToWaste
#hydrogen #dothemath #NoTimeToWaste
Worldwide power consumption stands at ~25TWh. Wind capacity is now ~1TW. With a capacity factor of .5, that makes a 2 percent contribution.
Wind capacity is thought to double in another seven years. But power consumption is also set to grow significantly.
We still need to vastly ramp up our #EnergyTransition ambitions
#energytransition #NoTimeToWaste
@Annaeus Yes. I’m all for innovation and keep investing in future breakthroughs. And we must act now to stop burning fossil fuels using existing technologies. Potential future technologies must not be an excuse to postpone action today #NoTimeToWaste
The payback time for a worldwide clean energy system is less than six years.
The economic and ecologic benefits will last for ages #NoTimeToWaste
During my lifetime, atmospheric CO2-levels have already risen by a third. If you think business as usual is still a viable option, you’re fooling yourself. Waters are rising beyond control, habitat gets destructed, the natural food chain breaks down, soil gets infertile, natural disasters are wreaking more havoc every year.
This cannot go on. Let’s make 2023 the #TurnAroundYear #NoTimeToWaste
#turnaroundyear #NoTimeToWaste
I could not agree more. Rejecting less than perfect solutions to reduce our #ClimateFootprint actually implies fueling the problem out of control #NoTimeToWaste
#ClimateFootprint #NoTimeToWaste
@HackWan @energisch_ @gruenenrw @GrueneBundestag
#NoTimeToWaste heißt für mich aber, nicht darauf zu hoffen, dass irgendwann eine alternative Ökopartei groß genug ist, um ernstzunehmende Klimapolitik ohne Kompromisse(!) durchsetzen zu können (und währenddessen durch Konkurrenz sich selbst und die Grünen in den Parlamenten schwächt), sondern die eine ernstzunehmende Ökopartei durch Proporz dahin zu bringen, auf Kompromisse verzichten zu können.