Gera 🇩🇪 ❤️👊
#NoVaccineMandate #Freiheit #StopAgenda2030
#StopAgenda2030 #freiheit #NoVaccineMandate
Gera 🇩🇪 ❤️👊
#NoVaccineMandate #Freiheit #StopAgenda2030
#StopAgenda2030 #freiheit #NoVaccineMandate
22-8 The German 🇩🇪 Cities have already started their “Montags Spaziergänge” for Peace, Freedom and Self-determination ❤️👊 #Freiheit #StopAgenda2030 #NoVaccineMandate
#NoVaccineMandate #StopAgenda2030 #freiheit
22-8 The German 🇩🇪 Cities have already started their “Montags Spaziergänge” for Peace, Freedom and Self-determination ❤️👊 #Freiheit #StopAgenda2030 #NoVaccineMandate
#NoVaccineMandate #StopAgenda2030 #freiheit
Props to Dr. Robert Malone
#NoVaccineMandate #vaccines #Control #news #robertmalone #tyranny #NurembergCode #Biden #Economiccollapse
#Economiccollapse #Biden #NurembergCode #tyranny #RobertMalone #news #Control #vaccines #NoVaccineMandate
Texas Father Who Lost 16-Year-Old Son to the Pfizer Vaccine
"My government lied to me"
STOP lying, Joe!
#unido #VAERS @RWMaloneMD @noorchashm @RobertKennedyJr @mercola #NoVaccineMandate #NoVaccineMandates @ChildrensHD @TheChiefNerd #naturalimmunity
#naturalimmunity #NoVaccineMandates #NoVaccineMandate #VAERS #unido
#dVax #dNews #News #Protest #Riot #Vaccine #Jab #Covid
#Covid19 #NoVaccineMandate #Protest #NoVaccinePassport #Paris #EU #France #Macron #PassSanitaire #PassDeLaHonte #Apartheidspas #ApartheidPass ✨ [RT Erick Overveen]
Parijs lopen de spanningen voor 't Ministerie van Gezondheid...
Paris Tensions RISING!
LIVE / BREAKING! In Paris Tensions are quickly rising for the Ministry of Health. The French are sick of medical apartheid and are screaming that Macron must resign today!
#dVax #dNews #protest #news #riot #vaccine #jab #covid #COVID19 #NoVaccineMandate #novaccinepassport #paris #eu #france #macron #PassSanitaire #passdelahonte #apartheidspas #ApartheidPass
#dVax #dNews #News #Vaccine #Jab #VaccineMandate #Covid #Covid19 #NoVaccineMandate #Protest @Johncdvorak @adam
Listen to the Voice of FREEDOM!
Beautiful, powerful and very human plea by a nurse for PERSONAL CHOICE and FREEDOM to oppose the vaccine mandate.
#dVax #dNews #news #vaccine #jab #VaccineMandate #covid #COVID19 #NoVaccineMandate #protest
#dNews #News #VaccineMandate #VaccineMandates #Protest #NYC #NewYork #Covid19 #Covid #CovidVaccine #MedicalWorkers #NoVaccineMandate #Nurses
You know, I can see those nurses from here!
They are parked just off Long Beach, California!
So much better than English speaking American nurses…
#protest #nyc #newyork #COVID19 #covidvaccine #MedicalWorkers #NoVaccineMandate #nurses #dNews #news #VaccineMandate #vaccinemandates #covid
#dNews #News #VaccineMandate #VaccineMandates #Protest #NYC #NewYork #Covid19 #Covid #CovidVaccine #MedicalWorkers #NoVaccineMandate #Nurses
New York Hospitals Face PossIble MASS FIRINGS
With a Monday deadline looming, thousands of health care workers in the state are risking their jobs by not getting a coronavirus vaccine.
Gov. Kathy Hochul... plans to look into RECRUITING TEMPORARY WORKERS from the PHILIPPINES or IRELAND.
#dNews #news #VaccineMandate #vaccinemandates #protest #nurses #nyc #newyork #COVID19 #covid #covidvaccine #MedicalWorkers #NoVaccineMandate
Democrats hate the military anyway because it is full of Trump-supporting patriots
#BidenIsNotOurPresident #NoVaccineMandate