Jolly Biscuit · @JollyBiscuit
6 followers · 108 posts · Server
Josef · @dietkirchen
66 followers · 524 posts · Server

Adam, Eva und die Dinosaurier

Dokumentation über den Nachbau von Noahs Arche als Museum für den und gegen die . Wenn sogar Evangelikale das total verrückt finden, ist es das wohl auch. Wenn man denkt es geht nicht mehr schlimmer, setzt diese Doku immer noch einen drauf. Auf alle Fälle sehenswert, um mitreden zu können.

#arte #kreationismus #wissenschaft #arche #Noah #fundamentalismus #kentucky #Glauben #christen

Last updated 1 year ago

Dr. Michael Blume · @BlumeEvolution
4095 followers · 972 posts · Server

@MKH Das ist auch nicht so, es gibt religionsgeschichtlich ältere wie z.B. den .

Das war jedoch die erste der und führte diese auf die -Söhne & zurück. Wer dies einmal verstanden hat, versteht auch die des .

Danke für das Interesse! 🙏📚🎙️🙌

#religionen #zoroastrismus #Judentum #religion #alphabetisierung #Noah #sem #japheth #verschworungsmythen #antisemitismus #text #Podcast

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Michael Blume · @BlumeEvolution
4095 followers · 972 posts · Server

Wie @Speckdaene trötet! Schließlich wurde die -Symbolik am Ende des 30jährigen Krieges als Konfessionen überwölbende Friedenszeichen populär: Neben 🌈 v.a. auch die 🕊️.

Wir sitzen eben nicht nur in einem Boot, sondern in einer . ☺️🙌🌈


#Noah #regenbogen #friedenstaube #arche

Last updated 2 years ago

est ja bekanntlich Omen:
Während die "ehrgeizige, eifrige" bei den Mädchen auf Platz 1 ist, schafft das der "Ruhe, Trost schaffende" bei den Buben. Das "Glückskind" rutscht ab, hoffentlich nicht weil es von kommt. Dafür holt (, ) auf. Die Mode des "ins Licht geborenen" vergeht. Warum "der kühne Rat" in Sachsen boomt, hmm? Die "sehr finstere lange Nacht" , wurde trotz Trend nicht zum Trend.

#nomen #emilia #Noah #ben #Benedikt #theo #gott #Volk #lukas #kurt #layla #babynamen

Last updated 2 years ago

Global Museum · @globalmuseum
148 followers · 344 posts · Server

Startling Similarity between Hindu Flood Legend of Manu and the Biblical Account of Noah.

In 1872, the amateur Assyriologist, George Smith, made a discovery that would shock the world. Whilst studying a particular tablet from the ancient Mesopotamian city of Nineveh, he comes across a story that many would have been familiar with.

#biblical #hindu #Noah

Last updated 2 years ago

and : The Story of How Twitter Started

~..with an thought of as a Friend was actually the person who wanted out (aka ??)~

The of How Twitter, One of the World's Biggest Online Companies was . It's a of scandal and betrayal..

TastingTraffic LLC

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#Internatioanl_Tech_News #scandal #twitter #BETRAYAL #Noah #fired #story #FOUNDED #twisting_tale #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

and : The Story of How Twitter Started

~..with an thought of as a Friend was actually the person who wanted out (aka ??)~

The of How Twitter, One of the World's Biggest Online Companies was . It's a of scandal and betrayal..

TastingTraffic LLC

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#Internatioanl_Tech_News #scandal #twitter #BETRAYAL #Noah #fired #story #FOUNDED #twisting_tale #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

and : The Story of How Twitter Started

~..with an thought of as a Friend was actually the person who wanted out (aka ??)~

The of How Twitter, One of the World's Biggest Online Companies was . It's a of scandal and betrayal..

TastingTraffic LLC

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#Internatioanl_Tech_News #scandal #twitter #BETRAYAL #Noah #fired #story #FOUNDED #twisting_tale #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

and : The Story of How Twitter Started

~..with an thought of as a Friend was actually the person who wanted out (aka ??)~

The of How Twitter, One of the World's Biggest Online Companies was . It's a of scandal and betrayal..

TastingTraffic LLC

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#Internatioanl_Tech_News #scandal #twitter #BETRAYAL #Noah #fired #story #FOUNDED #twisting_tale #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

and : The Story of How Twitter Started

~..with an thought of as a Friend was actually the person who wanted out (aka ??)~

The of How Twitter, One of the World's Biggest Online Companies was . It's a of scandal and betrayal..

TastingTraffic LLC

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#Internatioanl_Tech_News #scandal #twitter #BETRAYAL #Noah #fired #story #FOUNDED #twisting_tale #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

Rachel.Hop · @RachelHop
26 followers · 41 posts · Server

So, here I am: an to a novice user. A big supporter of and it’s and . Curious. Moved amongst various . Proud owner of , the . Love and . Curious. Follow and and opponents of the current serial occupants of No10. Take the occasional . Social media: mainly

#instagram #photograph #satire #funny #europe #Italy #oneyedcat #Noah #universities #eastmidlands #history #culture #nottingham #mastodon #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Rachel.Hop · @RachelHop
26 followers · 41 posts · Server

Today’s dose of ,

#catsofmastodon #oneeyedcat #Noah

Last updated 2 years ago

Children's Online: and the | Let's , , and together!

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #ministry #Noah #Ark #worship #learn #Craft #SEO #RTB #HFT

Last updated 2 years ago

Gilbert Collard · @GilbertCollard
14 followers · 1641 posts · Server

"Yannick protège la terre de ses ancêtres"… Moi aussi, et vous ?
Source : Boulevard Voltaire



Last updated 2 years ago

Luke 'Ming' Flanagan · @lukeming
9 followers · 2106 posts · Server

RT @kevintoconnor: We need to talk about Noah Donohoe. We really do. This child was murdered on the streets of Belfast. For supposed reasons of national interest we can't be told what's really going on. PSNI (SPIN) are evading questions.

A Mam craves information, Ireland needs to know.



Last updated 3 years ago

amaz1ng · @amaz1ng
712 followers · 15935 posts · Server

Heute gehts mir nicht so gut. Bin ziemlich resigniert.

Gestern war Family-Filmabend & es gab u.a. .
Ich stehe nicht auf die Version der Bibel, wie die Erde entstanden ist, doch hatte die Erzählung es in sich.

"Alles war gut & im Gleichgewicht, bis der Mensch auf der Bildfläche erschien & in den letzten 200 J. haben wir mehr kaputt bekommen, als wir wieder rückgängig machen können.
Vieles unwiederbringlich.

Ich habe echt Zweifel, was die Intelligenz des Menschen angeht.

#Noah #TeamMoinMoin

Last updated 3 years ago