Ethereum Co-Founder Vitalik Buterin Discusses Bitcoin’s Long-Term Security
#Bitcoin’senergyusage #governancemechanisms #consensusmechanisms #Blockchainsecurity #VitalikButerin #cryptobubbles #unsustainable #networkshift #ProofofStake #stakeholders #cryptocrash #ProofofWork #Feerevenue #transition #interview #NoahSmith #Security #TheMerge #Buterin #network #News #PoS #PoW
#bitcoin #governancemechanisms #consensusmechanisms #Blockchainsecurity #VitalikButerin #cryptobubbles #unsustainable #networkshift #ProofofStake #stakeholders #CryptoCrash #proofofwork #feerevenue #transition #Interview #NoahSmith #security #TheMerge #Buterin #network #news #pos #pow
"Real progress has been made against climate change. Global CO2 emissions have been flat for a decade. Obviously we need to get them to 0, but just getting total emissions to stop increasing is a huge accomplishment."
Others have added that global GDP increased 30% in that time.
"The upshot, however, is this: We are potentially at the dawn of not just one new technological revolution, but several at once."
Personally, I'm most excited about advances in #energy production and storage, and then about space. I worry about #biotechnology, though certainly it may bear many happy fruits.
Techno-optimism for 2022 - by Noah Smith - Noahpinion
Via #AstralCodexTen
#AstralCodexTen #biotechnology #energy #NoahSmith
This post, a week old today, updates us about the #omicron variant of #covid19 . Increasingly it seems that it may more mild than the Delta variant — but that is uncertain; perhaps the low percentage of infected hospitalised in South Africa is because of pre-existing immunities, or because it infects more people in their twenties.
Reason to worry: even if milder, it's much more infectious, so there will be a spike in hospitalisations.
"[T]hese are unforced errors. Xi didn’t have to crush Hong Kong; doing so has neither increased China’s security nor provided it with any tangible economic benefit. Xi didn’t have to tell his diplomats to do their best impression of Kaiser Wilhelm II."
What if Xi Jinping just isn't that competent?
#kaiserwilhelmii #ccp #beijing #china #prc #NoahSmith
"America is finally, FINALLY beginning to wake up to the problem of its ruinous construction costs. The next step is figuring out why those costs are high, so that eventually we can bring them down, thus ushering in a paradise of cheap housing and transportation."
What happened to construction productivity? Part 1: Measurement - by Noah Smith - Noahpinion
#construction #NoahSmith #marginalrevolution