Wise words on the #VoiceToParliament and an inspirational shot in the arm for #VoteYes campaigners. #NoelPearson with Independents #AllegraSpender and #AlexGreenwich and #LiberalsForTheVoice #FelicityWilson at #NorthBondi Surf Club this morning. 🖤💛❤️
#voicetoparliament #voteyes #NoelPearson #AllegraSpender #alexgreenwich #liberalsforthevoice #felicitywilson #northbondi
I have enjoyed listening to Noel Pearson's 2022 Boyer Lecture series on the state of Indigenous peoples in Australia and his hopes for the future. They also capture his perspective on the First Nations Voice. The lectures can be read at https://capeyorkpartnership.org.au/tag/boyer/ but are better to experience in the form of the recordings at https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/boyerlectures #NoelPearson #BoyerLectures #FirstNationsVoice #IndigenousVoice
#NoelPearson #boyerlectures #firstnationsvoice #IndigenousVoice
"The Opposition want to upend Albanese and the Labor govt."
"And good on them."
"I'm not interested"
"This year is the most important year since the first fleet."
Powerful commentary from Noel Pearson.
#VoiceToParliament #NoelPearson #RNBreakfast
#voicetoparliament #NoelPearson #rnbreakfast #auspol
Dumbest tweet of the day!! Self-awareness not a strong pint for #Prue. #NoelPearson #VoiceToParliament #Auspol #Hypocrite #RNBreakfast
RT @macsween_prue@twitter.com
How insulting. How despicable of Noel Pearson to suggest @JNampijinpa@twitter.com is a puppet of @The_Nationals@twitter.com because of her stance against The Voice. Agenda-driven voices will scrape the bottom of the barrel to push their interests.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/macsween_prue/status/1597397490978140160
#prue #NoelPearson #voicetoparliament #auspol #hypocrite #rnbreakfast
Australia politics live: Noel Pearson condemns ‘squalid’ Nationals and ‘kindergarten child’ leader over rejection of voice https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/live/2022/nov/29/australian-politics-live-albanese-dutton-labor-coalition-scott-morrison-climate-economy-energy-housing-weather-nsw-qld-vic?CMP=share_btn_tw&page=with%3Ablock-6385259e8f0846bfec6ac026#block-6385259e8f0846bfec6ac026 #VoiceToParliament #UncleNoel #NoelPearson #LittleProudLittleBoy #JacintaPrice
#voicetoparliament #unclenoel #NoelPearson #littleproudlittleboy #jacintaprice
Uncle Noel Pearson is a National Treasure!! #RNBreakfast #VoiceToParliament #Auspol #IndigenousRecognition #NoelPearson #UluruStatementFromTheHeart
#rnbreakfast #voicetoparliament #auspol #indigenousrecognition #NoelPearson #ulurustatementfromtheheart
Noel Pearson destroying the position of Jacinta Price and the Nationals ("controlled by a kindergarten child") this morning on #RNBreakfast. Find a recording - it is clear, reasoned and direct, not missing the carpetbaggers in the Nats. #Auspol #VoiceToParliament #NoelPearson
#rnbreakfast #auspol #voicetoparliament #NoelPearson