RT Free Nations of PostRussia Forum
The #Nogai Republic of Astrakhan will be a free and independent state✌️
#Nogai #PostRussia #decolonizationrf
RT Free Nations of PostRussia Forum
The United States of #Siberia, #Cherkessia, #Sakha, the #Nogai Republic of #Astrakhan and other states of the #PostRussia space will be independent, successful, developed, rich, comfortable and free💯
(starting with) already in 2023🔥
#siberia #Cherkessia #sakha #Nogai #astrakhan #PostRussia
RT Free Nations of PostRussia Forum
Free and Independent States of #PostRussia already in 2023🔥
#Bashkortostan, Baltic Republic (#Koenigsberg), #Tatarstan, #Pskov, #Komi, #Novgorod, #Cherkessia, #Lapland, #Ingria, #Smalandia, #Karelia, #Ural, #Siberia, #Biarmia, #Kuban, #Don-Kazakia, #Kalmykia, #Nogai El etc✌️
#PostRussia #bashkortostan #Koenigsberg #tatarstan #Pskov #komi #novgorod #Cherkessia #lapland #Ingria #Smalandia #karelia #ural #siberia #Biarmia #kuban #don #Kalmykia #Nogai
RT Free Nations of PostRussia Forum
There is no "Russian" gas and oil.
There is #Tyumen, #Bashkir & #Tatar gas.
There is no "Russian" gold, forest, diamonds, grain, nickel, aluminum.
There are #Siberian, #Buryat, #Ural, #Oirat, #Karelian, #Sakha, #Komi, #Kuban, #Nogai.
Russian is only Empire, hopelessness& madness
#Tyumen #Bashkir #tatar #siberian #buryat #ural #oirat #karelian #sakha #komi #kuban #Nogai
2. Only #Tat is called #CrimeanTatar, while #Nogai and #Urum is shown as separate languages, and #Yalıboylu is called "Crimean Turkish". This is a bold move that I kinda like (usually they are gathered under an umbrella term of Crimean #Tatar identity), and it's unusual.
3. Similarly nicely, central #Karelian in relation to #Livvik and #Lude (although #Tver #Karela are marked as simple Karelian)
4. #Polesian is shown as a separate #language, which is cool! (It's a transitional BY-UA #dialect)
#Tat #CrimeanTatar #Nogai #Urum #Yalıboylu #Tatar #Karelian #Livvik #Lude #Tver #Karela #Polesian #language #dialect
RT Free Nations of PostRussia Forum
Freedom for the #Nogai people✌️
Independent Nogai Republic with capital in #Astrakhan will soon restore its sovereignty and subjectivity🔥
#PostRussia already in 2023💯
RT Free Nations of PostRussia Forum
#Cherkessia, #Novgorod Republic, #Tyumen-Ugra, #Nogai Republic of #Astrakhan - Free and Independent States of #PostRussia✌️
Complete and Irreversible #Decolonization of the RF
already in 2023🔥
#Cherkessia #novgorod #Tyumen #Nogai #astrakhan #PostRussia #decolonization