Observation: modern #Nigerian entertainment is generous with genuinely beautiful body portrait.
#Westernised media has range problem: the more ostentatious the body, the more formulaic and cliched it becomes.
Watch first random #Nollywood film or series. Every other character is too big with #beauty, and every one of them individually beautiful. Not like the next.
Some are muscle, some are figure, some are catty bendiness, some are stout trunky confidence.
#beauty #Nollywood #westernised #nigerian
@grryboy @DavidAnnandale
Couldn’t find anything specifically #Nollywood posted for Mastodon either. However, IMDb had a few entries attributed:
MMASINACHI QUEENETH HILBERT |ISAAC OTUTU |EMILIA DIKE |EYA DORIS CHIDIMMA Trending nollywood movies | The Watcho #CHIDIMMA #Dike #DORIS #Emilia #EYA #HILBERT #Isaac #MMASINACHI #Movies #NOLLYWOOD #OTUTU #QUEENETH #Trending #6giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhld3RjaG8uY29tL21tYXNpbmFjaGktcXVlZW5ldGgtaGlsYmVydC1pc2FhYy1vdHV0dS1lbWlsaWEtZGlrZS1leWEtZG9yaXMtY2hpZGltbWEtdHJlbmRpbmctbm9sbHl3b29kLW1vdmllcy8=
#6giugno #trending #QUEENETH #OTUTU #Nollywood #movies #MMASINACHI #isaac #Hilbert #EYA #emilia #DORIS #dike #CHIDIMMA