@dbdean @ecoscore As someone who experienced homelessness, I've been fantasizing about this freedom for years and then saw that many were too! #vanlife
#Nomadland is a good peek at reality faced by such community. I'm touched by the DIY / anarchistic social bond that cuts through the alienation of cities & picket fences. Speaking as an architect & urban designer with domestic abuse history, my descend into homelessness linked all the factors of class struggle, migrant exploitation, settler-colonial fantasy and gender oppression.
Reclaiming my power & relinking belonging rn leads to interesting interdisciplinary adventure.
Nomadic freedom is lovely if we root it in dynamic community building practice & environmentally adept technologies. A dystopian present not in mourning. For that, we'd have to address precarity & climate emergency. Chasing casual gig jobs in exceedingly exploitative market with rising price of fuel, disease outbreaks, fires, flood coalesce into a perfect recipe for systemic innovation - to create an alternative economy.
To cunningly, measuredly co-exist as a parasite on capitalism, syphoning it's greed to build our own language of care. It's what many pillaged, war-torn or underdeveloped parts of the world have been forced to do âđœâđœâđœ
#Nomadland is a great introspective film.
Also a wonderful soundtrack.. especially this one..
RT @furiacervelli
esplorazioni nella sovversione: persone che si uniscono per trovare un posto nel mondo o per crearne uno migliore âŠ@jessbruderâ© #nomadland #snowdensbox #libri belli #daleggere #buonanno2023 âŠ@ilmanifestoâ© https://ilmanifesto.it/jessica-bruder-e-la-fiducia-necessaria-per-resistere
#buonanno2023 #daleggere #libri #snowdensbox #Nomadland
Just watched #Nomadland
Beautiful movie. Simple, efficient, human. Outstanding US nature.
Wonderful Frances McDormand.
RT @chris_katins@twitter.com
Mein Filmerlebnis des Jahres: #Nomadland im Open-Air Kino, die perfekte AtmosphĂ€re fĂŒr diesen Film. Als dieser gerade seinen emotionalen Höhepunkt erreichte und die herzzerreiĂende Musik Einaudis durch die Nacht klang setzte der Regen ein. Danke @filmkreis@twitter.com fĂŒr dieses Erlebnis!
#Nomadenleben in den USA
Das #Vanlife meiner Mutter
von Mitchell Johnson
In dieser Woche lĂ€uft der oscarprĂ€mierte Film â#Nomadlandâ in den deutschen #Kino|s an. Meine Mutter lebt das Leben, das im #Film erzĂ€hlt wird.
#Nomadenleben #vanlife #Nomadland #kino #film
Spazio disciplinato e spazio libero in âNomadlandâ https://www.carmillaonline.com/2021/05/27/spazio-disciplinato-e-spazio-libero-in-nomadland/ #FrancesMcDormand #granderecessione #FĂ©lixGuattari #FrancoLaCecla #GillesDeleuze #RosiBraidotti #WernerHerzog #Recensioni #Cinema&tv #ChloĂ©Zhao #nomadismo #Nomadland #PaoloLago #MarcAugĂ© #Amazon
#amazon #marcaugé #paololago #Nomadland #nomadismo #ChloéZhao #cinema #recensioni #wernerherzog #rosibraidotti #gillesdeleuze #FrancoLaCecla #FélixGuattari #granderecessione #francesmcdormand
RT @lamarea_com
"Quien quiera conocer cĂłmo explota Amazon a personas de la tercera edad tendrĂĄ que leer el libro de Jessica Bruder: âPaĂs nĂłmadaâ. La realidad de los trabajadores itinerantes en EEUU no aparece en la pelĂcula".
Por Manuel Ligero. #Nomadland