> I've always been shocked by the astonishing, dominating especially in Western Europe, opinion that work is something like virtue; I was often surprised at this strange value attributed to work, even before reading the speech of Mr. #Zola, who clearly expressed this opinion.
> Because only an ant in a fable, as a creature deprived of reason and desire to do good, could think that #work is a virtue, and could be proud of it.
#Tolstoy #LeoTolstoy #NonActivity #DoNothing
#donothing #NonActivity #leotolstoy #tolstoy #work #zola
"In 1975, Japanese farmer and philosopher Masanobu Fukuoka published The One-Straw Revolution, a guide for natural, or “do-nothing,” farming.,,Fukuoka recognized that many of our celebrated technological advancements would be unnecessary had humans not created an ecological crisis in the first place.one could grow the same amount of food... with less work..."
#FukuokaMasanobu #OneStrawRevolution #DoNothing #NonActivity #BackToTheLand #farming
#farming #BackToTheLand #NonActivity #donothing #OneStrawRevolution #FukuokaMasanobu