@rife_with_tedium ok...
#libertarianism is a military Psyop designed to keep you entertained, harmless, comfortable, and compatible with a corporate, fascist state.
It's an intellectual cul-de-sac that goes nowhere, and can't. You're being out maneuvered by 90 IQ jarheads.
Your response proves my point.
#libertarianism #privatecompanybro #NonAgressionPrinciple
I like libertarians and agree with much of that position, especially the NAP (NonAgression Principle), but most of them do not go far enough to be consistent with even those principles.
For example, A minarchist is a libertarian that is willing to settle for a small amount of tyranny in the hope that a small government will provide some number of liberties. Government tyranny is simply a violation of the NAP.
#NonAgressionPrinciple #BottomUnity #minarchy #freedom #freedomworks
#NonAgressionPrinciple #BottomUnity #minarchy #freedom #freedomworks