We met last week-end in Hanover to discuss our strategy for the upcoming months. The discussions were intense and fruitful and they brought new coordination and communication infrastructures, new action plans, but one thing was left unchanged: the fundamental urgency that academics and scientists take to the streets. You'll see us in the classrooms, at conferences, and on the streets, raising awareness for the climate and biodiversity crises and pressuring policy makers to act on them. Join us! #civildisobedience #nonviolentdirectaction #climatecrisis #biodiversitycrisis #actnow #ifnotnowthenwhen
#civildisobedience #NonViolentDirectAction #ClimateCrisis #biodiversitycrisis #actnow #ifnotnowthenwhen
"Welsh cakes are a symbol of hospitality," Fr Counsell said. "So if you meet a far-right, neo-fascist bonehead who looks out of place here, the critical question you must ask that person is: 'Would you like a Welsh cake?'"
#antifa #NonViolentDirectAction
#antifa #NonViolentDirectAction
@peterbrown @withaveeay the 4 or 5 colleagues I had come into the consulate with produced a home-made banner and started chanting ' free Nelson Mandela!'
Worst bit was spending a night on my own in the cells with nothing but a couple of S.A. travel brochures for company.
Plus point was getting released before court as I had a legitimate argument that the consulate should send the message. I felt bad for my pals, though.
We must always find ways to resist evil
RT @XRVicAus@twitter.com
#NonviolentCivilResistance #NonViolentDirectAction #xr #extinctionrebellion #ClimateAndEcologicalCrisis #sixthmassextinction
#activism #NonViolentDirectAction #community #inclusiveness #unity #Solidarity #humanrights #SocialJustice #EnvironmentalProtection #equity #peace
#ClimateEmegency #DeclareEmergency #NonViolentDirectAction #NecessityDefense #CimateActivistTrial MoCo MD trial tuesday December 13 8am courtroom 412
wish us luck!
#ClimateEmegency #declareemergency #NonViolentDirectAction #necessitydefense #cimateactivisttrial
#nicheconstruction #EES #basalcognition #autopoiesis #symbiosis #systemsthinking #plantstudies #philosophyofbiology #philosophyofscience #ecoevodevo #evodevo #consciousness #NonViolentDirectAction #ecocurriculum #environmentalphilosophy #ecophilosophy #ecopedagogy #aesthetics #ecologicalcrisis #deepadaptation #civilisationcollapse #facingdeath #philosophyforsustainability #anthropocene #ArtSci #tricksterpedagogy #ecohumanities #contemplativepractices
“If I can’t dance it’s not my revolution”.
Reclaim the Streets, Eyre St, Furnival Sq, #Sheffield. Summer 1996 or 1997.
Non violent direct action to occupy part of the city’s then pedestrian segregated urban dual carriageway network by holding a free party on it, aided by the Smokescreen Sound System #XR #1990s #Occupy #Techno #NonViolentDirectAction
#NonViolentDirectAction #techno #occupy #1990s #xr #sheffield
"Aus diesem Grund geht es gar nicht mehr um eine „Verhandlungsbereitschaft“ des Staates, sondern um eine Pflicht, die Kräfte, die sich am engagiertesten für unsere Erde einsetzen, wiederzugewinnen und mit ihnen gemeinsam für die Rettung der Natur anzutreten."
#Klimaprotest #Kriminalisierung #zivilerUngehorsam #nonviolentdirectaction
#klimaprotest #kriminalisierung #zivilerungehorsam #NonViolentDirectAction
@EUClimateAction Is that enough? Is that soon enough? That seems... not very aggressive. And not very soon.
If this is the best we can expect from #COP27 maybe the people need to take matters into our own hands and save ourselves.
#ClimateCrisis #NonViolentDirectAction #climaterevolution #cop27