Create what you need to create as a nonbinary person. The hangups of society censor you enough as it is without letting it into your mind as well.
We need what you make. The world needs your perspective.
#nonbinarypositivity #nonbinaypride #nonbinary #nonbinarycreators #exorsexism
#exorsexism #NonbinaryCreators #NonBinary #nonbinaypride #NonBinaryPositivity
It might be tempting, and even necessary in some cases, to create what is seen as "normal" works of art, literature, etc. and forgo your own experience as a nonbinary person in the process.
Do what you must to survive, of course, but be sure to remember why you create in the first place.
Give yourself a space to be true to yourself no matter the pressures from a narrow minded, external society.
#nonbinary #nonbinarypositivity #nonbinaypride #exorsexism #nonbinarycreators
#NonbinaryCreators #exorsexism #nonbinaypride #NonBinaryPositivity #NonBinary
Stay strong, nonbinary creators. You do very difficult and under-appreciated work, but sharing your perspective is extremely important for all people.
Keep shaking the binary world up!
#nonbinary #nonbinarypositivity #nonbinaypride #nonbinarycreators
#NonbinaryCreators #nonbinaypride #NonBinaryPositivity #NonBinary