#JustStopOil #NoNewOilAndGas #NonviolentCivilResistance #rishisunak #unelectedprimeminister #TheNastyParty #repression #HumanRightsViolations #brexitbritain #FoodBankBritain
@jackofalltrades @Greenseer
@Greenseer @Rajan
The fact we hold diverse opinions isn't a problem. We have a right to make our own judgements and decisions.
I see no point in disobedience for the sake of it. We are engaged not disobedience but active #NonviolentCivilResistance (NCR), against corporations that put profit before people and planet.
Some who will never have to face its brutal consequences, halpkky romanticise and advocate violence, from the safety of their keyboards.
It would never occur to me to recommend disobedience for the sake of disobedience.
#NonviolentCivilResistance (NCR) that disrupts/stops destructive, rapacious corporations and challenges the corrupt politicians who enable them, can have the potential to be effective in campaigning terms
What others do is up to them, their judgement, understanding.
When I speak of NCR I have in mind rational, purposeful actions, not random disobedience for the sake of it.
#Righttoprotest #NonviolentCivilResistance #humanrights #SocialJustice #ClimateJustice #equity #peace #corporations #CorruptPoliticians #cronycapitalism #corporatemedia #feudalvalues #ClassSystem #deforestation #pollution #habitatdestruction #ecocide #ClimateAndEcologicalCrisis #sixthmassextinction
#ClimateAndEcologicalCrisis #xr #extinctionrebellion #NonviolentCivilResistance #repression #Righttoprotest #extinctions #sixthmassextinction #humansurvival
Our survival depends on raising the scale of civil disobedience until we build the greatest mass movement in history, mobilising the 25% who can flip the system. We do not consent to the destruction of life on Earth.
#GeorgeMonbiot #NonviolentCivilResistance
#NonviolentCivilResistance #NonViolentDirectAction #xr #extinctionrebellion #ClimateAndEcologicalCrisis #sixthmassextinction
The amazing George Monbiot, speaking at Oxford University, explaining how our instinct to obey is preventing us from taking action on planetary collapse.
It's crucial that we resist and stop obeying
#GeorgeMonbiot #extinctionrebellion #COP26 #NonviolentCivilResistance #wolfsoncollege
#NonviolentCivilResistance (NCR)
Having devoted decades of their life to fighting for a better world, three activists in their 70s reflect on keeping going, hope and despair as the year turns - while a retired clergyman and his wife explore what’s drawn them to activism in their 60s.
Featuring #LeilaHassanHowe
#WeThePeople #humansurvival #NonviolentCivilResistance #ClimateAndEcologicalCrisis #sixthmassextinction #leilahassanhowe #angiezelter #lindaclair #billwhite #rosemarywhite
We are many; they are few.
#NonviolentCivilResistance (NCR)
#UnitedWeStandDividedWeFall #NonviolentCivilResistance #unity #Solidarity #organisation #WeThePeople #socialjusticenow #ClimateJusticeNow #climateactionnow
What does Just Stop Oil have planned for 2023?
“As the climate crisis stops being something that people read about and starts being something that’s impacting their lives, more and more people will join us as the problem gets worse and worse.”
#FossilFuels > #StrandedAssets > #FossilFuelCrash
#NoNewOilAndGas #FossilFuels #strandedassets #FossilFuelCrash #NonviolentCivilResistance #ClimateAndEcologicalCrisis #sixthmassextinction #consumerism #infinitegrowthonafiniteplanet #ProfitBeforePeopleAndPlanet
#NonviolentCivilResistance (NCR)
#RobertReich "We must and we will win."
#NonviolentCivilResistance #community #humanrights #socialjusticenow #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateAndEcologicalCrisis #sixthmassextinction #robertreich