After several months without night I totally lost track of date and time. I thought it was Monday, so I got up grumpy and started work. Then my beloved one told me "It's Sunday!" and my mood got better. Now I'm happily writing invoices... #nordkapp #norway #midsummer. This is a wonderful place, we rented a big camper for a night - never been inside one before. And no tourists, no stupid cruise ships around here.
The light and colors of the midnight sun in #Nordkapp district (01:00 a.m.) Underexposed, slightly underexposed and normal. Plus one with bussi and sun. What's your favorite?
@mfeilner made #Nordkapp with #hurtigrouten 2011 🚢 There was poor visibility. 🌫️😵💫
Time to turn around and go home, hm? @chillicampari what do you think? #nordkapp #norway.
Good Morning, #Nordkapp. WE are in the district "Nordkapp", found some nice huts to stay in and will go to THE Nordkapp today. Sauna was awesome yesternight. Now coffee and some work...