RT @underagreysky@twitter.com
Is today, with Attenborough + Lineker , the moment the frog finally realises the water is boiling? #normalisland https://twitter.com/Claire_Phipps/status/1634208591958753280
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/underagreysky/status/1634283454807396370
If anyone needs any Tomatoes I have a supply, £5 a piece.
The Telegraph running #Tavistock hit pieces on the same day the UK news media exploded with the brutal murder of a literal trans child is too much. F*ck these collaborators. I'm so done today.
There's a war on #trans youth right now, and your hamster cage liner of a newspaper is leading the charge. #NormalIsland #uktransphobia
#Tavistock #trans #NormalIsland #uktransphobia
@TechConnectify Here on #normalIsland, we frequently see more than 50% of our electricity being generated from wind. Makes you wonder why our government wants to open new coal mines and fracking sites. https://www.energydashboard.co.uk/live
Another naive question in #NormalIsland
What does a man who lives rent free, in a flat refurbed by someone else, who earns 150+k, doesn’t pay for holidays or weddings need a 800k loan for?
you'd have more sympathy for his 'error' if he hadn't spend months threatening everyone left right and centre
The British press is having a very normal one, I see
#princeharry #spare #NormalIsland
The British press is having a very normal one, I see
#princeharry #spare #NormalIsland
The British press is having a very normal one, I see
#princeharry #spare #NormalIsland
For anyone doubting the direction #normalIsland is going
UK to downgrade commitment to human rights for close diplomatic ties
@AbhijoyChakladar as I keep saying #NormalIsland - if this was a storyline in a tv show we’d all say it’s too far fetched
I think the one thing putin enjoys to see is this dysfunctional government which still hasn’t dealt with its own problem if Russian money #NormalIsland
@reay where are you? Sorry if you have already mentioned. We had the LFTs and PCRs to confirm then they cancelled pretty much everything because it was costing too much (UK). TV Studios and Radio studios etc still require you to be covid free before entering though. #gaslighting #NormalIsland
Absolutely mind boggling this is just accepted as normality. 😳🥴 #Costoflivingcrisis #NormalIsland
#Costoflivingcrisis #NormalIsland
The latest #NewsAgents podcasts about rental market in UK is another must-listen for those outside of #NormalIsland who want to know about the reality and not nostalgia of this place, and how little it cares about the small people rather than the rich people
British politics in last 5 months.
Multitude of ministers resign.
Prime Minister resigns.
New Prime Minister appointed.
Some of the resigning Ministers re-appointed.
Some of the re-appointed Ministers resign.
PM resigns.
New PM appointed.
Some of the resigning Ministers re-appointed.
Some of the re-appointed Ministers resign...
Rinse and repeat.. #normalisland #uk #politics #westminster
#Westminster #Politics #UK #NormalIsland
Advised that some of y’all cats don’t know that #NormalIsland (fka “TERF Island,” afka “Plague Island”) refers to Great Britain – apologies. But yes, this is where we have chosen to be, where even the wannabe fascists haven’t learned how to make the trains run on time.