NkdJay · @NkdJay
0 followers · 1 posts · Server body.social

Hello, World. My name is Jay.
After many introverted years, I stand before you today as a proud naked person.
If you believe in celebrating self-acceptance and embracing the human body without shame or judgment, I invite you to follow my nude journey.


Last updated 1 year ago

Not A Number · @NaN
245 followers · 3203 posts · Server body.social

"Simply put, naturism has become a business.... Instead of seeking legitimization, we seek normalization.  

"It’s essential to acknowledge that normalization involves conforming to societal norms and standards ... while legitimization involves defining and defending individuals’ or groups’ differences and unique qualities and exploring how diverse ideas may coexist."



#baxandall #naturism #nudism #legitimizenudity #NormalizeNudity #normalisenudity

Last updated 1 year ago

Vadim aka t-maker · @vadim
118 followers · 252 posts · Server body.social

Nude Self-Portrait

I'm tired of the hot weather. Every summer seems hotter than the previous one. "Preliminary analyses show that this July is virtually certain to be the hottest month on record for the planet". (see scientificamerican.com/article) Definitely August will break records as well.

#nudist #naturist #nudism #naturism #fkk #NormalizeNudity #nude #naked #nudity #nakedness #indoors #portrait #portraiture #selfportrait #artnude #posing #sitting #man #photo #photography #portraitphotography

Last updated 1 year ago

Vadim aka t-maker · @vadim
118 followers · 252 posts · Server body.social

Social networks, even those built on the principles of decentralisation and federation, cannot be more free and open than as a whole. I used to have an account on pixelfed.social. Now it's gone. With all my 8 followers and 8 photos. 5 were sceneries, 3 showed me in the (with CW). The latter were of sentimental value. I didn't spend much time on that instance. Followed Server Rules. So I can only guess at the reasons. Not a single notification. Just erased.

#society #photos #nude #NormalizeNudity

Last updated 1 year ago

This is my favorite photo from the that I uploaded. It captured the moment when this creature 🐾🐕‍🦺 was giving me little kisses 💋😘.
Chispita's love is the most genuine one you can have. 😍🥰


#new #nudist #Gallery #NormalizeNudity

Last updated 1 year ago

Life is better with nudist friends. @nakedwanderings that day was fun, we biked the town to look for nude beaches, we had a storm, we danced in the rain, we toasted and enjoyed the moment.

Remember that you can follow my adventures and support my content. 👇🏽

#nudist #naked #nakedfriends #naturist #nudistbeach #naturistbeach #nudity #beach #mexico #caribbean #caribemexicano #NormalizeNudity #tulum #friends #travel

Last updated 1 year ago

"The words you tell yourself matter. 🌈Speak to yourself with kindness and compassion. You are your greatest ally. 🗣️" 🌻


#selflove #NormalizeNudity

Last updated 1 year ago

Someone asked me yesterday what happiness is for me, to which I answered that for me it is when I eat a delicious taco, or watch a sunset, or laugh with friends. Sometimes the simplest things are what make us happy.
Have a beautiful start of the week.


#happymonday #nudism #nude #nudist #nudity #nudeinnature #nudeisnormal #NormalizeNudity #NormalizeNudism #iamthefaceofnudism #patreon #contentcreator

Last updated 1 year ago

"In a world where you can be anything, be kind" There is already a lot of badness in this world, let's better make a difference and watch our words and actions. No one is perfect, but we can start with one step at a time.

#nudism #nude #freedom #nudity #nudist #nudeinnature #nakedisnormal #nakedinnature #NormalizeNudism #NormalizeNudity #travel #adventure

Last updated 1 year ago

PupHacker · @Puphacker
192 followers · 1363 posts · Server woof.group

Good morning happy summer fellow nudist.

#nudity #NormalizeNudity

Last updated 1 year ago

A weekend is not enough to enjoy your nudity. I'll share my experience in San Luis Potosi with you.



Last updated 1 year ago

The first activity when we arrived to México City was attending to this workshop for new nudist (although we are not new nudist haha) but time ago we wanted to participated in this project, it's called "NUDIST VOICES" 🫰

Full Gallery 👇👇


Last updated 1 year ago

Kohana_Doogie · @doogie
0 followers · 18 posts · Server mastodon.scot

Nice to finally have a Saturday where I can just sit outside and enjoy…

#homenudity #backyardnude #NormalizeNudity #outdoornude #staynaked #getnaked

Last updated 1 year ago

PupHacker · @Puphacker
182 followers · 1330 posts · Server woof.group
Angela de la Cruz · @Angy1De
239 followers · 476 posts · Server body.social

How many times have we been told that if we don't have an athletic body then we don't have a beautiful body? Let's stop feeding those lies. I won't have the athletic body, but I do have the freedom to be happy with the body I have and enjoy it.

#NormalizeNudity #bodypositive #selflove

Last updated 2 years ago

¡🌴🚗Nos fuimos de viaje a explorar lugares en los alrededores de Guadalajara para practicar y encontramos este lugar! 🌳🌎Es un parque ecológico a 40 minutos Guadalajara. 🚗🗺️ ¡Increíble!

Galería: patreon.com/posts/81484724
Video: patreon.com/posts/81537029

#nudismo #NormalizeNudity

Last updated 2 years ago

¡🌴🚗Nos fuimos de viaje a explorar lugares en los alrededores de Guadalajara para practicar y encontramos este lugar! 🌳🌎Es un parque ecológico a 40 minutos Guadalajara. 🚗🗺️ ¡Increíble!

Galería: patreon.com/posts/81484724
Video: patreon.com/posts/81537029

#nudismo #NormalizeNudity

Last updated 2 years ago

Angela de la Cruz · @Angy1De
216 followers · 454 posts · Server body.social

Entre más normal actuemos al estar desnudos, las personas a nuestro alrededor se darán cuenta de la comodidad en la que disfrutamos nuestra piel y a través del ejemplo es como se atreverán a probarlo.
Vive y disfruta de tu desnudez en tu día a día.


#NormalizeNudity #nude #naked #womennudist

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
671 followers · 6403 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

seriously though how the fuck have there not been enough angel investors to put together a site that isn't INTENDED for porn that allows nonsexual female nipples and full body nudity, as well as discussions ABOUT sex, to fill the extremely wide dearth left by the fascists over at the mainstream platforms, who are totally fine with nazis and antivaxxers, but shriek in horror at so much as a female nipple or the word "sex"?

I keep talking to more and more people who think the stigma and bans are BS, , , , , and activists, , , etc etc etc, and so many of them resent the hypocritical, sexist, misogynist and so many other - ists nature of on mainstream platforms, but somehow none of us have the money or connections to start our own alternative place that, again, allows nonsexual nudity and discussions ABOUT sex (but not explicit sexual content itself, otherwise that website just becomes "a porn site" that only people looking for sexual content will visit)?

especially with the death of , which was the ONLY mainstream platform that allowed sexual content without being Platform focused ONLY on sex? there's such a huge need for it--so why? who? how do we get that ball rolling?

I don't have any money, I can't break even just on the expenses I incur on my own content. even if I did, I don't have the skills or time to set my own video hosting social network up.

and yes there's peertube, but the fact that people keep suggesting I post to peertube without knowing I ALREADY HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS is exactly what's wrong with peertube--each peertube host is its own silo, with extremely confusing limitations on being able to find content from people you don't already follow, or so someone you follow shares.

and no, mastodon/the fediverse is not the answer. the reality is that the vast majority just can't figure out how to use this place. I came here out of desperation, tired of getting banned everywhere else, and even I still struggle greatly trying to find fellow activists, or even just nudists, naturists, sex workers, and others who might be inclined to agree with my mission. mastodon is great for what it is, but it's simply not worth the time investment for the majority of people. you shouldn't have to learn how to build your own computer to write an email.

anyway idk I'm just confused why we seem to be stuck in this quagmire of "all the mainstream platforms suck, but I can't get my less tech savvy friends to join mastodon, so I guess I'll just give up." surely there has to be some answer between those two extremes.

#sexworkers #sexeducators #nudists #Naturists #NormalizeNudity #toplessequality #eroticartists #eroticphotographers #censorship #twitter #freethenipple

Last updated 2 years ago