Ich glaube das ist nicht so gesund. Ich will #Schlafen ! Grund ist das mein #kindkrank ist. Jetzt haben wir alle #Schlafmangel und vermutlich bald den #Norovirus. Freiwillige vor, wer kommt #putzen und #waschen? Spaß bei Seite, das Wünsche ich echt niemandem.
#Schlafen #kindkrank #Schlafmangel #Norovirus #putzen #waschen #mude
#CDC data reveals #norovirus #outbreaks in #cruiseships have reached a 10-year high
#cdc #Norovirus #outbreaks #cruiseships
Managed to eat something today that isn't brown! That's a big win. #victory #norovirus #food
Ars Technica: It’s summer and that means disturbing swim advisories. Here’s our top 5 https://arstechnica.com/?p=1949894 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #healthdepartment #clevelandclinic #E.coliO157 #Norovirus #shigella #Science #Giardia #Health #crypto #safety #lakes #water #pool #CDC
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #healthdepartment #clevelandclinic #e #Norovirus #shigella #science #giardia #health #Crypto #safety #lakes #water #pool #cdc
Half uit de lappenmand. De koorts is gezakt en de emmers kunnen weer terug in de kast, alleen zijn we allemaal nog zo slap als een vaatdoek. 5 personen in huis met het #Norovirus is best wel heftig 😳.
@BiobotAnalytics has added #norovirus monitoring to its #wastewater monitoring platform to help provide important health data to communities https://www.axios.com/2023/04/19/biobot-analytics-norovirus-wastewater via @axios
50% Kitaauslastung diese Woche. Gründe hierfür sind:
1) Streptokokken (seit Wochen, dritte Runde)
2) Noro/Magendarm (mehrere Kinder im KH)
3) Corona
4) weitere Infekte über Telefonsprechstunde diagnostiziert und "Krank ohne Diagnose" (Hand-Mund-Fuß, Grippalen Infekt usw.)
Jedes zweite Kind ist krank! Mitarbeitende geben sich die Klinke in die Hand.
Ich könnte dann mal wieder "Normal" haben...
#Kita #Kinder #Familie #FediEltern #FediKita #Infektionwelle #Corona #Norovirus #Streptokokken
#kita #kinder #familie #Fedieltern #fedikita #infektionwelle #corona #Norovirus #streptokokken
Kotaku: Major Super Smash Bros. Tournament Leaves Attendees Ill https://kotaku.com/super-smash-bros-melee-ultimate-tournament-sick-virus-1850228945 #gaming #tech #kotaku #supersmashbros #caliciviridae #fightinggames #juandebiedma #videogaming #norovirus #hungrybox #vomiting #nintendo #esports #sports #kazuya #arjun #water #mkleo #food #rtt
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #supersmashbros #caliciviridae #fightinggames #juandebiedma #videogaming #Norovirus #hungrybox #vomiting #nintendo #esports #sports #kazuya #Arjun #water #mkleo #food #rtt
I feel sooo much better than I did overnight. I think I had #norovirus. Man, that sucked. Thank god it only lasted a day, it would've been hard to take it much longer.
Still pretty weak, but feeling better than yesterday.
How bad of a norovirus wave is the US in for?
#Norovirus cases spreading throughout country, CDC says
It sucks. Trust and believe.
As #norovirus ramps up in the US, a couple reminders I personally needed:
- Norovirus is an *asshole*. It can live (and infect people) on surfaces for up to four weeks, and you can shed infectious virus for 72 hrs after symptoms end.
- Hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes don’t kill it. Alcohol doesn’t kill it.
- Soap and water followed by fresh bleach in a freshly made solution or steam cleaning (or hot laundry with oxygen or chlorine bleach) works.
Over a hundred elementary students in #LasVegas brought down by #gastrointestinalillness caused by #norovirus
#Norovirus #gastrointestinalillness #lasvegas
Over a hundred elementary students in #LasVegas brought down by #gastrointestinalillness caused by #norovirus
#Norovirus #gastrointestinalillness #lasvegas
Stomach flu symptoms to watch for as outbreak spreads across US: CDC
#health #Norovirus
Ars Technica: Goodbye flu, RSV, and COVID waves; hello, norovirus! https://arstechnica.com/?p=1916061 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Infectiousdisease #gastroenteritis #Norovirus #COVID-19 #diarrhea #vomiting #Science #CDC #flu #RSV
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #infectiousdisease #gastroenteritis #Norovirus #covid #diarrhea #vomiting #science #cdc #flu #rsv
Well, the last 16 hours have been appalling. I'm tempted to just throw a flaming torch into my house and walk away
"My name is #Norovirus, virus of viruses:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair"
*Nibbles on a water biscuit*
Vandaag gelukkig al minder ziek dan de afgelopen week #NoroVirus
Vandaag óók het zonnetje zichtbaar in de lucht. Wat een fijn begin van 2023.
Fijne dag allemaal!