2 new designs added just a moment ago, and now I've got the ability to sort the products into collections, so here's the #ConfluenceNovel merch in one handy listing! https://riversidewings-shop.fourthwall.com/collections/confluence-series #SapphicBooks #NorthStarForever
#NorthStarForever #sapphicbooks #confluencenovel
Help me keep the lights on and keep up the writing and podcasting: read on at https://www.patreon.com/posts/on-change-and-83498867 #podcasts #AmWriting #NorthStarForever #SapphicBooks
#sapphicbooks #NorthStarForever #amwriting #podcasts
On podcasts, screenplays, travel, news items, and so much more-- a patrons' end-of-month update is now up at https://www.patreon.com/posts/updates-31-may-83877430 #podcasts #amwriting #SapphicBooks #NorthStarForever #CleyeraPodcast
#CleyeraPodcast #NorthStarForever #sapphicbooks #amwriting #podcasts
A trans lesbian cyborg couple, the weight of history and heritage, and a continuing fight for liberation and wholeness.
Read on in "Confluence: A Person-Shaped Story," at
https://balanceofseven.itch.io/confluence (ebook) and https://shop.sweetreadsict.com/products/confluence-a-person-shaped-story (paperback) Please consider rating and reviewing, and bugging your local library for this book! #SapphicBooks #cyberpunk #NorthStarForever
#NorthStarForever #cyberpunk #sapphicbooks
I've got the next volume of Confluence in the works, and a lot more besides, and it's all possible thanks to the sponsorship of readers like you. Please sign up today to help me keep the lights on and continue growing what I do-- thanks so much for your support! http://komaneko.gay #Confluence #Podcasts #SapphicBooks #NorthStarForever
#NorthStarForever #sapphicbooks #podcasts #confluence
A trans lesbian cyborg couple, the weight of history and heritage, and a continuing fight for liberation and wholeness.
Read on in "Confluence: A Person-Shaped Story," at
https://balanceofseven.itch.io/confluence (ebook) and https://shop.sweetreadsict.com/products/confluence-a-person-shaped-story (paperback) Please consider rating and reviewing, and bugging your local library for this book! #SapphicBooks #cyberpunk #NorthStarForever
#NorthStarForever #cyberpunk #sapphicbooks
A wife and wife trans lesbian cyborg couple, the weight of history and heritage, and a continuing fight for liberation and wholeness.
Read on in "Confluence: A Person-Shaped Story," at
https://balanceofseven.itch.io/confluence (ebook) and https://shop.sweetreadsict.com/products/confluence-a-person-shaped-story (paperback) #SapphicBooks #cyberpunk #NorthStarForever
#NorthStarForever #cyberpunk #sapphicbooks
Now live at http://twitch.tv/riversidewings -- come say hi and let's play some Stray! #cats #NowLive #NorthStarForever
#NorthStarForever #nowlive #cats
Have you read either of my books? Please consider leaving a rating and review on your platform of choice to spread the word about them! Thanks so much for your support! #GreyDawn #Confluence #NorthStarForever #SapphicBooks
#sapphicbooks #NorthStarForever #confluence #GreyDawn
Have you read either of my books? Please consider leaving a review on your platform of choice to help increase my work's visibility! Thanks for reading and for your help! #NorthStarForever #Confluence #GreyDawn #SapphicBooks
#sapphicbooks #GreyDawn #confluence #NorthStarForever
A new position, new art, new publications, new podcast episodes, and lots more: I've been busy while I've been away. Read on in the latest patrons' update, linked below! #amwriting #NorthStarForever #podcasts #SapphicBooks
#sapphicbooks #podcasts #NorthStarForever #amwriting
Did you read Confluence: A Person-Shaped Story? Please consider leaving a review for it on the Kindle page https://www.amazon.com/Confluence-Person-Shaped-Story-Nyri-Bakkalian-ebook/dp/B0BLB74XDD or Itchio or Goodreads, or your platform of choice. Reviews help improve my work's visibility. Thanks for reading! #SapphicBooks #lesfic #Confluence #NorthStarForever
#NorthStarForever #confluence #lesfic #sapphicbooks
"After she came out as trans, the erstwhile heir apparent
to the august Isawa line had confused more than a few
people with her choice of a new name.
/Why ‘kasu’?/ they would ask. /That’s not usually a name. Doesn’t that mean ‘dregs’?/
/Because I relate to the dolls the world chewed up and spat out,/ was Isawa Kasu's ready reply." #Confluence #NorthStarForever #SapphicBooks
#sapphicbooks #NorthStarForever #confluence
One of the things that writing Confluence did was help me find new ways of making my Armenian heritage a living, empowering force, rather than peer pressure from sanctimonious, shame-steeped dead people. The journey reacquainted me with the best of elders now long gone, who didn't give a damn about respectability and just wanted their kin to be alive and happy.
In other words, I figured something out. I look forward to further exploring it in sequels! #NorthStarForever #SapphicBooks #Confluence
#confluence #sapphicbooks #NorthStarForever
Hey, did you read "Confluence: A Person-Shaped Story" on Kindle? Consider leaving a review to help my work rise in visibility! https://www.amazon.com/Confluence-Person-Shaped-Story-Nyri-Bakkalian-ebook/dp/B0BLB74XDD #SapphicBooks #Booktide #Confluence #NorthStarForever
#NorthStarForever #confluence #booktide #sapphicbooks
Wielder and blade: one heart together.
Get your copy of Confluence: A Person-Shaped Story via https://shop.sweetreadsict.com/products/confluence-a-person-shaped-story or as an ebook from https://www.amazon.com/Confluence-Person-Shaped-Story-Nyri-Bakkalian-ebook/dp/B0BLB74XDD #Confluence #SapphicBooks #NorthStarForever
#NorthStarForever #sapphicbooks #confluence
Isawa Kasu and her wife River M59A1 can't change the difficult things from their respective pasts. But they can find healing by reimagining them.
"The City in Spring," a Confluence story, is up for patrons at https://www.patreon.com/posts/city-in-spring-75499423 #Confluence #SapphicBooks #NorthStarForever
#NorthStarForever #sapphicbooks #confluence
I've been informed by a friend in the #SFWA that #Confluence is eligible for a Nebula Award! Wow! If you're in the SFWA, please consider joining Leo Otherland in nominating Confluence: A Person-Shaped Story for a Nebula. You can learn more about Confluence at http://tinyurl.com/confluencepaperback #NorthStarForever
#NorthStarForever #confluence #sfwa
Wielder and blade: One Heart Together.
Check out #Confluence: A Person-Shaped Story, as a paperback at https://shop.sweetreadsict.com/products/confluence-a-person-shaped-story and as an ebook at https://balanceofseven.itch.io/confluence #SapphicBooks #NorthStarForever
#NorthStarForever #sapphicbooks #confluence