love to see #mastindia taking off. curious to see what sort of a crowd there is here from the #Northeast
#NewPaperAlert 📢
Published in Biological Conservation, colleagues and I apply #multispecies #occupancy #models to data from long-term #CameraTrap #surveys in Pakke Tiger Reserve, #Northeast #India to assess the #mammal community—ranging from small cats and binturong to 🐅🐘—in a #biodiversity hotspot. We suggest a framework to maximise the use of data from monitoring programs to better understand #ecological communities.
#OpenAccess for 2 months at:
#NewPaperAlert #multispecies #occupancy #models #CameraTrap #surveys #Northeast #india #mammal #biodiversity #ecological #openaccess
#NewPaperAlert 📢
Published in Biological Conservation, colleagues and I apply #multispecies #occupancy #models to data from long-term #CameraTrap #surveys in Pakke Tiger Reserve, #Northeast #India to assess the #mammal community—ranging from small cats and binturong to 🐅🐘—in a #biodiversity hotspot. We suggest a framework to maximise the use of data from monitoring programs to better understand #ecological communities.
#OpenAccess for 2 months here:
#openaccess #ecological #biodiversity #mammal #india #Northeast #surveys #CameraTrap #models #occupancy #multispecies #NewPaperAlert