Day 1! Let’s go!!! Thank you God for this amazing opportunity 🙏🏼 #NUEcon #Northeastern #EconPhD #EconTwitter #LikeAHusky #AMDG #ParaSaBayan 🇵đź‡
#nuecon #Northeastern #econphd #econtwitter #likeahusky #amdg #parasabayan
@jobsecoevo - Job ad: Full Time Teaching Prof Boston USA
My department is hiring! #Job #Boston #USA #Northeastern
Full time Assistant / Associate #Teaching Professor. We seek broadly trained candidates with expertise in #biostatistics, teaching in #Rstats, experimental design and implementation. Areas of research focus could draw from #evolution, #genomics, sustainability sciences, conservation biology
#job #boston #usa #Northeastern #teaching #biostatistics #rstats #Evolution #Genomics
- Job ad: Full Time Teaching Prof Boston USA
My department is hiring! #Job #Boston #USA #Northeastern
Full time Assistant / Associate #Teaching Professor. We seek broadly trained candidates with expertise in #biostatistics, teaching in #Rstats, experimental design and implementation. Areas of research focus could draw from #evolution, #genomics, sustainability sciences, conservation biology
Please boost!
#job #boston #usa #Northeastern #teaching #biostatistics #rstats #Evolution #Genomics
My @NUjournalism colleagues Meg Heckman and Peter Mancusi speak with #Northeastern Global News about the hazards and pitfalls to avoid in covering Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign. #journalism
A message from #Northeastern University President Joseph Aoun about this morning's SCOTUS ruling on affirmative action: "Our charge as a university will be to ensure — within the bounds of the law — a richly diverse and powerful learning environment for all."
A message from #Northeastern University President Joseph Aoun about this morning's SCOTUS ruling on affirmative action: "Our charge as a university will be to ensure — within the bounds of the law — a richly diverse and powerful learning environment for all."
Spent the afternoon with our grad worker #union making zines at the Democracy Project in Cambridge. They have a full room archive of a century's worth of zines.. really a special place and a privilege to be creating there. If you didn't know, Northeastern U. is still refusing to let our graduate workers hold an election, a critical step in collective bargaining for improved #labor rights. #Northeastern relies on TAs and researchers to teach classes, grade homework, and fulfill grant promises
School of Journalism professors Mike Beaudet and @dankennedy_nu spoke with Tanner Stening of #Northeastern Global News about the end of the Chris Licht regime and what's next for CNN. #media
My #Northeastern journalism colleague Mike Beaudet and I spoke with Tanner Stening of Northeastern Global News about the end of the Chris Licht regime and what's next for CNN. #media
So great to see my friend Donna Halper featured in #Northeastern Global News.
Want to know what's going on in #LocalNews? Visit What Works, from #Northeastern's School of Journalism. We've got in-depth posts, a podcast, a spreadsheet of every independent local news outlet in Mass. and a regularly updated news feed. Just click here:
@zuriberry Unbelievable how much attention the Crimson gets because it's at Harvard. We do a lot of neighborhood coverage at #Northeastern through the independent student newspaper, The Huntington News, and The Scope, which is a @NUjournalism project that covers social justice issues in Greater Boston.
On the new "What Works" podcast from #Northeastern's School of Journalism, Lahar Salahi tells us how student journalists can help ease the local news crisis. Plus our college Meg Heckman joins us for a tribute to Mike Pride, the late, legendary editor of New Hampshire's Concord Monitor. Please listen and subscribe! #LocalNews
Congratulations to #Northeastern journalism alum Calli Remillard, who has been named Weekly Newspaper Rookie for the Year by the New England Newspaper and Press Association for her work at The Enterprise of Falmouth, on Cape Cod.
Given that I'm a 1979 alum in addition to a professor since 2005, it seems strange that I never had the honor of meeting Jack Curry, who died last Friday. He steered #Northeastern through a crisis and charted the path for its current success. And, by all accounts, he was a great guy.
#University websites using #MediaWiki, #Wiki hacked to serve #Fortnite spam
By Ax Sharma, April 21, 2023
"Websites of multiple U.S. universities are serving Fortnite and 'gift card' spam.
"Researchers observed Wiki and documentation pages being hosted by universities including #Stanford, #MIT, #Berkeley, #UMassAmherst, #Northeastern, #Caltech, among others, were compromised.
"BleepingComputer confirmed the malicious campaign was live, and had targeted additional scholastic websites including that of the #UniversityOfMichigan.
"These websites appear to be running either TWiki or MediaWiki—the latter being a #CMS platform that powers #Wikipedia and multiple #Wikimedia websites.
"These wiki pages, purportedly uploaded by spammers, lure readers into visiting bogus sites that claim to be offering 'free gift card,' 'Fortnite Bucks,' and cheats, among other digital artifacts.
"Users should refrain from clicking suspicious links within the compromised Wiki pages."
#university #mediawiki #wiki #fortnite #Stanford #mit #berkeley #umassamherst #Northeastern #Caltech #universityofmichigan #cms #wikipedia #wikimedia #hackingnews
On the latest edition of “What Works,” we speak with Linda Shapley, the publisher of Colorado Community Media. Also featured is Madison Xagoraris, a #Northeastern Media Advocacy student who recently profiled KefiFM, an online radio station that serves the local Greek community.
ICYMI: On Friday, a huge crowd gathered for a rally on campus to demand that #Northeastern stop delaying our graduate workers' union election. This fight has been going on for nearly a decade, with generations of #PhD students in and out of court while stipends lag well behind cost of living in #Boston.
#SomervilleMA City Council has also unanimously passed a resolution calling on #NEU to cease its anti-union campaign.
RT @ nugradunion:
#neu #somervillema #boston #phd #Northeastern
"Why We Should Cheer, Not Fear, More Visual Storytelling in the News" — a terrific piece at Storybench by #Northeastern #journalism student Sebastian Grace.