Ranked by student population, Boston area #HigherEd hashes
#LongySchoolOfMusicofBardCollege #LongySchool
#BayStateCollege #BayState
#BerkleeCollegeOfMusic #BerkleeCollege
#BunkerHillCommunityCollege #BHCC
#MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology #MIT
#TuftsUniversity #Tufts
#UniversityofMassachusettsBoston #UMass
#HarvardUniversity #Harvard
#NortheasternUniversity #NEU
#BostonUniversity #BU
per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colleges_and_universities_in_metropolitan_Boston
#highered #sattlercollege #saintjohnsseminary #bostongraduateschoolofpsychoanalysis #helleniccollegeandholycrossgreekorthodoxschooloftheology #bostonbaptistcollege #northbennetstreetschool #hebrewcollege #longyschoolofmusicofbardcollege #longyschool #newenglandcollegeofoptometry #baystatecollege #baystate #benjaminfranklincummingsinstituteoftechnology #newenglandlaw #bostonarchitecturalcollege #urbancollegeofboston #easternnazarenecollege #williamjamescollege #newenglandconservatory #labourecollege #mghinstituteofhealthprofessions #fishercollege #roxburycommunitycollege #laselluniversity #massachusettscollegeofartanddesign #emmanuelcollege #hultinternationalbusinessschool #cambridgecollege #currycollege #quincycollege #wentworthinstituteoftechnology #lesleyuniversity #emersoncollege #bentleyuniversity #brandeisuniversity #simmonsuniversity #berkleecollegeofmusic #berkleecollege #suffolkuniversity #massachusettscollegeofpharmacyandhealthsciences #bunkerhillcommunitycollege #bhcc #massachusettsinstituteoftechnology #mit #tuftsuniversity #Tufts #bostoncollege #universityofmassachusettsboston #umass #harvarduniversity #harvard #NortheasternUniversity #neu #bostonuniversity #Bu
Join us in creating a safer digital world for the Northeastern community! We're committed to #cybersecurity through our core values of #KnowledgeBase, #AdvancedSecurityResearch, and #DiversityAndInclusion.
#cybersecurity #knowledgebase #advancedsecurityresearch #diversityandinclusion #NortheasternUniversity
Nothing to see here, move along. #MBTA #Boston #Northeastern #GreenLine
Alt text: linked 10 sec video is a nighttime recording of a light grey car driving on the green line tracks - with one set of wheels between the tracks, and the other on the yellow part of the platform - at the #NortheasternUniversity T stop #TheKidsAreAlright
#mbta #boston #Northeastern #greenline #NortheasternUniversity #thekidsarealright
Here are some @null_NEU can contribute to the #NortheasternUniversity #cybersecurity community:
1) Organize events, workshops, and talks related to cybersecurity to bring together students, faculty, and researchers to share knowledge and collaborate.
#NortheasternUniversity #cybersecurity
Northeastern receives record number of undergraduate applications for fall 2023
The applicant pool of 96,327—an increase of 31,899 since 2020—is one the most diverse in Northeastern history with 71% identifying as non-white. An expanding global footprint and leadership in experiential learning is also making the university the clear No. 1 choice for many top students.
#HigherEducation #NortheasternUniversity #Undergraduate #University
#highereducation #NortheasternUniversity #undergraduate #university
Forensic Genealogy starred in apprehension of #Idaho murder suspect—but was it necessary?
Although #ForensicGenealogy has come a long way, it won’t be of use in solving most murders because two-thirds of all homicides are by firearms.
Investigators probably had more than enough evidence to take #BryanKohlberger into custody "long before the genealogical search," says #NortheasternUniversity criminologist James Alan Fox.
#idaho #forensicgenealogy #bryankohlberger #NortheasternUniversity
APPLICATION DEADLINE EXTENDED - new deadline Tuesday 31 January 2023:
New #NSF-funded summer program for #philosophy (or related) graduate students, for training in #AIEthics and #DataEthics at #NortheasternUniversity!
$12k stipend per student
More details+application info for the summer 2023 cohort at the program website:
(Deadline extended to give the selection committee members more time to clear other things off their plates :-) )
#nsf #philosophy #aiethics #dataethics #NortheasternUniversity
(reminder) APPLICATIONS DUE Tuesday 10 January 2023:
New #NSF-funded program in #AIEthics and #DataEthics at #NortheasternUniversity!
We'll bring in cohorts of approx. 10 #philosophy (or related) graduate students to #Boston for 10 weeks for each of the next 3 years (beginning this year) for training in #AIEthics and #DataEthics from our faculty and visiting scholars.
$12k stipend per student
More details+application info at the program website:
#nsf #aiethics #dataethics #NortheasternUniversity #philosophy #boston
‘NO’: #GradueateStudents at #NortheasternUniversity Analyze, Hack, and Remove Under-Desk #Surveillance. In October, university quietly introduced heat sensors under desks without notifying students or seeking their consent.
#gradueatestudents #NortheasternUniversity #surveillance
I'm a senior researcher on a new program in #AIEthics and #DataEthics at #NortheasternUniversity that I am now allowed to talk about:
This is an #NSF funded program that will let us bring in cohorts of approximately 10 #philosophy (or related) graduate students to #Boston for 10 weeks for each of the next 3 years (beginning #2023) to get training in #AIEthics and #DataEthics from our faculty and visiting scholars.
Here's a link to the program website. Please boost! https://cssh.northeastern.edu/ethics/summer-grad-training-program/
#aiethics #dataethics #NortheasternUniversity #nsf #philosophy #boston
My own official #intro #tags:
Born and raised: #connecticut
Current home: #boise #idaho
Previous Homes: #vermont #massachusetts #newhampshire #rhodeisland #newyorkcity #brooklyn #georgia
Working: #photographer #headshots #personalbranding #maternity
Education: #journalism #NortheasternUniversity #boston
Cheers For: #nyyankees #boisestatebroncos
Thinking About: #xcskiing #trailrunning #biking #BoiseGreenbelt #backpacking #hiking #baking #piemaking #startingstrength #powerlifting
#intro #tags #connecticut #boise #idaho #vermont #massachusetts #newhampshire #rhodeisland #newyorkcity #brooklyn #georgia #photographer #headshots #personalbranding #maternity #Journalism #NortheasternUniversity #boston #nyyankees #boisestatebroncos #XCskiing #trailrunning #biking #boisegreenbelt #backpacking #hiking #baking #piemaking #startingstrength #powerlifting
Hi, all,
My #introduction: I'm a prof at #NortheasternUniversity, with a joint appointment in #philosophy and #CS
I'm part of a multi-disciplinary team (https://cssh.northeastern.edu/ethics/ai-data-ethics-initiative/) focused on researching and teaching the #ethics of #emergingtech, especially #socialrobots, #dataethics, and the highly misleadingly named #aiethics, to humanists, STEM students, and external groups.
I'm also a #bicycling enthusiast and participant in groups dedicated to bicycle advocacy and #completestreets.
#completestreets #bicycling #aiethics #dataethics #socialrobots #emergingtech #ethics #CS #philosophy #NortheasternUniversity #introduction