@ChrisMayLA6 @johnrentoul Intriguing. #GND #Norwich and Norwich #FriendsOfTheEarth have been actively leading the Norwich Campaign for Warm Homes and have focused their efforts in NR3 which coincidentally includes Chloe Smith’s #NorwichNorth constituency…seems it must have struck a chord.
#NorwichNorth #FriendsoftheEarth #norwich #gnd
I daydream most days of getting rid of the corrupt, deceitful and climate delaying #Tory government. In practice the way to ensure this happens is #TacticalVoting . It might involve holding your nose and voting for whoever is most likely to defeat the #Tories in your constituency.
If you live in one of the marginal constituencies eg #NorwichNorth your vote is very important in our FPTP system, make it count!
#NorwichNorth #tories #tacticalvoting #tory