Koska tein tämän, Entso-E:n ongelmat loppuvat tästä hetkestä lähtien kokonaan ja uusi kiiltävä koodini jää pölyttymään kovalevyn nurkkaan. #nostradamus
Loki Luck III Podcast Ep 1590 - Nostradamus Predicts the Antichrist & Southwest Airlines in Shambles
https://anchor.fm/loki-luck-3/episodes/Ep-1590---Nostradamus-Predicts-the-Antichrist--Southwest-Airlines-in-Shambles-e1sqom9 #Nostradamus, #SouthwestAirlines, #Nullification2022, #Nullification2023, #DemoniacResistance
#DemoniacResistance #Nullification2023 #nullification2022 #southwestairlines #Nostradamus
#Medvedev the new russian #Nostradamus predicted war between #Germany and #France next year (2023) and a civil war in the #UnitedStates that would lead to #ElonMusk becoming president. He also foresaw #Britain rejoining the #EU
#Medvedev #Nostradamus #germany #france #unitedstates #ElonMusk #britain #eu #europeanunion #russia #putin #kremlin #ukraine
#Medvedev #Nostradamus predicted war between #Germany and #France next year (2023) and a civil war in the #UnitedStates that would lead to #ElonMusk becoming president. He also foresaw #Britain rejoining the #EU
#Medvedev #Nostradamus #germany #france #unitedstates #ElonMusk #britain #eu #europeanunion #russia #putin #kremlin #ukraine #rasputin
Y’all remember when I said these babies didn’t need to be in the workforce. Member when people were like “if they want to, they should be able to”
And remember how I said these babies would be taken advantage of - wow. Looks like another #Nostradamus moment.
Another #Nostradamus moment
All roads lead back to Obama 2008 and the pace picked up in 2012
At this point, I am pretty sure #Nostradamus and #BookofRevelations had no part whatsoever in predicting a calamity such as THIS. Yet 2022, here we are…
#oddpairings #holidayhellishness #humour
#Nostradamus #bookofrevelations #oddpairings #holidayhellishness #humour
huh, i havent looked at the #Nostradamus prophecies scene for a while. Anyone know if there's been any developments there since the history channel covered it? :_witchlaugh: any changes to the ratio 🔮
The world’s most famous prophet Nostradamus apparently had a lot to say about the way the year 2022 would pan out. From natural events to financial technology, he seems to have had a better grasp on the year than we do so far.
Ok. #nanwrimo update for this morning. Yesterday's no-writing produced a good run this morning: got parts connected and although I can see the whole arc and have written most of it through, I have not yet hammered out the nitty gritty aspects of how they evolve together ... so I will do that next, for the plot pivot points.
And this morning's stream of conscious writing took me into weird places like the pink aurora borealis of November 3, 2022, and Nostradamus. I think I'll use #Nostradamus as a mechanism... for... saying things obliquely that I don't actually want to give air time to (DT, 2016 election, 2024 election).
Let's see how it plays out. #AmWriting #EcoFiction #StreamOfConscious
#nanwrimo #Nostradamus #amwriting #ecofiction #StreamOfConscious
RT @Revolte_Fiscale: La #VarioleDuSinge ?
Il suffisait d'écouter Bill #Gates
Il le savait déjà en novembre que ce serait la prochaine #pandemie 😉
C'est notre nouveau #Nostradamus 😜
#VarioleDuSinge #gates #pandemie #Nostradamus
Nostradamus’ predictions for 2021: Asteroids, zombies and a bad outlook
#nostradamus #predictions
Has #Nostradamus predicted a Donald Trump victory in US Elections 2020? Check his 'prophetic' words #DonaldTrump #JoeBiden #Trump #PresidentialElections2020 https://www.dnaindia.com/world/report-has-nostradamus-predicted-a-donald-trump-victory-in-us-elections-2020-check-his-prophetic-words-2851361
#Nostradamus #donaldtrump #JoeBiden #Trump #PresidentialElections2020