The next step after the phone announcement? Don’t ban books: ban libraries? From the Guardian #nzpol #notfittogovern
Adam Bienkov in Byline Times makes a convincing argument, that the Privileges Committee verdict exposes Rishi Sunak, makes him complicit in every step of Boris Johnson’s behaviour. At the very least Sunak put the interests of the Conservative Party above those of the country. #NotFitToGovern
Adam Bienkov in Byline Times makes a convincing argument that the Privileges Committee verdict exposes Rishi Sunak, makes him complicit in every step of Boris Johnson’s behaviour. At the very least Sunak put the interests of the Conservative Party above those of the country. #NotFitToGovern
Anger over Tory 'incompetence' as asylum backlog hits record 160,000
Hateful woman #NotFitToGovern
Therese Coffey Roasted For Saying 'Cherish' Turnips, Forget Tomatoes
This woman is a fcuking idiot #NotFitToGovern
@13sarahmurphy Just got back from this morning's news break to see this headline. Do they really think pleading ignorance is a defence? 🤬🤬🤬 #ToryCriminals #NotFitToGovern #NadhimZahawi #EnoughIsEnough #TaxTheRich #FairPay #WorkersRights #FuckTheTories #SupportTheStrikes #JoinAUnion
#joinaunion #SupportTheStrikes #FuckTheTories #workersrights #fairpay #taxtherich #enoughisenough #NadhimZahawi #NotFitToGovern #ToryCriminals