NEWSFLASH: All the quasi-crypro #banking services protected by man-in-the-middle attacks are getting hacked, exposed as scams or liquidated.
It looks like #EulerFinance (CloudFlare and Amazon?) is now the latest affected.
How can we #ProblemReactionSolution this onto bitcoin to enact CBDC's, when all the proponents of bitcoin say '#NotYourKeysNotYourCoins'?"
#banking #OREALLY #eulerfinance #problemReactionSolution #NotYourKeysNotYourCoins #SamBankmanFried #scams #cbdc
The Central Bank Digital Currency is already here…
1. Silvergate = CloudFlate
2. Silicon Valley Bnak = CloudFlare
3. Signature NY = Akamai
Waiting for an Amazon'd #bank to join the fray. Bailing out bad actors creates a #moralHazard. Sleep in the bed (bank) you've made.
#mitmAttackAsAService #CBDC #enginneringConsent #silvergate #siliconValleyBank #signatureNY #akamai #cloudFlare #bitcoinFixesThis #notYourKeysNotYourCoins
#bank #moralhazard #mitmattackasaservice #cbdc #enginneringconsent #silvergate #siliconvalleybank #signatureny #akamai #cloudflare #bitcoinfixesthis #NotYourKeysNotYourCoins
The statement that 99% of users will lose their money if they attempt self-custody is a gross and irresponsible misscharacterization of relative risks.
Stop mistaking wealth for wisdom or expertise.
RT @CaitlinLong_
FRIENDLY REMINDER--whatever happens with #GBTC is entirely independent of #Bitcoin (the protocol) & only impacts its trading markets, which have nothing to do with the protocol itself. #NotYourKeysNotYourCoins
#NotYourKeysNotYourCoins #bitcoin #gbtc
@bitcoinmagazine Fuuuuck, I'm so happy they froze my account temporarily long before they went down, that way I had time to learn not to trust anyone with my keys and had time to withdraw way before all this shit happened. Fortunately, my lesson didn't have to come at the expense of my life savings 😅, but the scare of losing access to them even temporarily was enough to swing me hard into #NotYourKeysNotYourCoins camp before it was too late!
Preston Pysh: Self-Custody Bitcoin is Easy #bitcoin #shorts #short #NotYourKeysNotYourCoins
#bitcoin #shorts #short #NotYourKeysNotYourCoins
RT @aantonop
The lesson from FTX isn't "FTX wasn't a safe place to store money".
The lesson is: "No exchange/third party can be trusted with my money"
RT @aantonop
The statement that 99% of users will lose their money if they attempt self-custody is a gross and irresponsible misscharacterization of relative risks.
Stop mistaking wealth for wisdom or expertise.
RT @aantonop
The lesson from FTX isn't "FTX wasn't a safe place to store money".
The lesson is: "No exchange/third party can be trusted with my money"
Self-custody of money was the original promise of crypto but it's always also been its biggest hurdle to adoption. How does, say, the average senior citizen buy and use cryptocurrency without needing to put trust in a third party of some sort?
The lesson from FTX isn't "FTX wasn't a safe place to store money".
The lesson is: "No exchange/third party can be trusted with my money"
The lesson from FTX isn't "FTX wasn't a safe place to store money".
The lesson is: "No exchange/third party can be trusted with my money"
Is any exchange safe enough to use as a wallet and store your money there?
No, of course not. Never use an exchange as a wallet. Don't store money on exchanges. Do your exchange then withdraw.
🐳 Dans le contexte de l'effondrement de FTX et d'autres crypto-exchanges centralisés, novembre est devenu un mois record pour le retrait de BTC des CEX.
#NotYourKeysNotYourCoins #bitcoin
19/ Recent events have caused us all to question centralized services such as custodial wrapped tokens. Hopefully this thread alleviates any misdirected concerns towards WETH.
Remember #NotYourKeysNotYourCoins
Why keep your #Bitcoin on centralized exchanges? Why stake or earn or whatever it’s called on centralized platforms? Why leverage trade centralized if you prefer this casino? Simple there is no reason at all You can do all in a decentralized way #NotYourKeysNotYourCoins
#bitcoin #NotYourKeysNotYourCoins
We've made air-gapped transactions with QR scan standard on #BlockstreamJade.
Upgrade your #Bitcoin self-custody solution to the most secure, convenient, and advanced open-source hardware wallet today!
#NotYourKeysNotYourCoins #bitcoin #BlockstreamJade
I mean, in the end, how could you have trusted a guy that has "Bank, man" in his name? #bitcoin #btc #ftw #hodl #NotYourKeysNotYourCoins
#NotYourKeysNotYourCoins #hodl #ftw #btc #bitcoin
RT @RD_btc
Withdraw your #Bitcoin from exchanges. #NotYourKeysNotYourCoins
#NotYourKeysNotYourCoins #bitcoin