Notes from the US: Constitutional breakdown
Project 2025 plans to 'transition' almost all federal power into the hands of one far right, effectively fascist leader.
#FarRight #fascism #NotesFromTheUS #Trump
#farright #fascism #NotesfromtheUS #trump
Notes from the US: Politicised denial of truth
The wave of book-banners should be seen in the knowledge that fully 80% of states in the US have either introduced and/or enacted legislation and other legal measures to promote hatred, supremacy and intolerance of diversity
#ClimateBreakdown #NotesFromTheUS #RonDeSantis #US
#climatebreakdown #NotesfromtheUS #rondesantis #us
Notes from the US: Bigotry reigning
DeSantis and his mob have explicitly warned us what to expect if he gets anywhere near the White House. Believe them. Believe them.
#ClimateBreakdown #DeSantis #maga #NotesFromTheUS #RonDeSantis
#climatebreakdown #desantis #MAGA #NotesfromtheUS #rondesantis
Notes from the US: Fascism rising
Last weekend a slurry of far right, anti-semitic, supremacist conspiracy theorists who screamed that "Hitler was right" to annihilate Jews in Germany and eastern Europe in the middle of the last century met to push their 'Great Awakening' junk as part of the b
#DanielPerry #GeorgeKelly #GregAbbott #GregSteube #NotesFromTheUS #RightWingDeathSquad #RonDeSantis #WhiteSupremacy
#danielperry #georgekelly #gregabbott #gregsteube #NotesfromtheUS #rightwingdeathsquad #rondesantis #whitesupremacy
Notes from the US: Trump gets indicted
Just as last month's 'Notes from the US' appeared, the Biden administration announced its biggest and most far-reaching attempt so far to contribute to the destruction of life on Earth. The deceptively-named 'Willow project' is led by Conoco
#Arcticdrilling #climatebreakdown #EmmettTillAntilynchingAct #gunviolence #NotesfromtheUS #RonDeSantis #Trumpindictment
#arcticdrilling #climatebreakdown #emmetttillantilynchingact #gunviolence #NotesfromtheUS #rondesantis #trumpindictment
Notes from US: The bureaucratic apocalypse
From our US correspondent:
Republicans throughout the United States have the wind behind them in their supremacist agendas nationally in Washington DC and in the states locally. In Missouri, for instance, t
#climatebreakdown #DissidentHomeschool #KatjaLawrence #LoganLawrence #NationalJusticeParty #NotesfromtheUS #Ohio #Racism #RonDeSantis #UpperSandusky
#climatebreakdown #dissidenthomeschool #katjalawrence #loganlawrence #nationaljusticeparty #NotesfromtheUS #ohio #racism #rondesantis #uppersandusky
Notes from the US
Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.
The 'new' US House of Representatives
Details of the concessions which Kevin McCarthy made to the far right of his party so t
#alexjones #christiannationalism #houseofrepresentatives #KevinMcCarthy #NotesfromtheUS #OathKeepers #RonDeSantis #ScottPerry #Trump #USA
#alexjones #ChristianNationalism #houseofrepresentatives #kevinmccarthy #NotesfromtheUS #oathkeepers #rondesantis #ScottPerry #trump #usa
Notes from the US
As we always say, elections (especially in an aggressively belligerent, capitalist system) are a
#January6Committee #midterms #NotesfromtheUS #PaulPelosi
#january6committee #Midterms #NotesfromtheUS #paulPelosi
Notes from the US
As we always say, elections (especially in an aggressively belligerent, capitalist system) are a
#biden #democrats #fascism #January6Committee #january6th #JoeManchin #KariLake #KathyCastor #KatieHobbs #KyrstenSinema #maga #MarjorieTaylorGreene #midtermelections #midterms #NancyPelosi #NotesfromtheUS #notesfromtheusa #PaulGosar #PaulPelosi #republicans #RonJohnson #Trump #USelections
#biden #democrats #fascism #january6committee #January6th #JoeManchin #karilake #KathyCastor #katiehobbs #kyrstensinema #MAGA #marjorietaylorgreene #midtermelections #Midterms #nancypelosi #NotesfromtheUS #notesfromtheusa #paulgosar #paulPelosi #republicans #RonJohnson #trump #uselections
Notes from the US
Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.
The Supreme Court continued its pernicious 'business' this month and last. The most egregious of its other deadly and destructive deeds are further described later in this month's 'Notes from the US'. In June the Supreme Court re-i
Notes from the US
Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.
The Supreme Court continued its pernicious 'business' this month and last. The most egregious of its other deadly and destructive deeds are further described later in this month's 'Notes from the US'. In June the Supreme Court re-i
Notes from the US
Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.
Covid deniers and purveyors of spurious and specious disinformation deliberately continue to politicise the pandemic. One recent indication of how the élite wilfully promotes ignorance and potentially lethal outc
#DonaldTrump #NotesfromtheUS #USA
#donaldtrump #NotesfromtheUS #usa
Notes from the US: GOP’s vexed relationship with the law
Louis further rounds up goings on across the pond.
Trump's personal lawyer, former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, deliberately failed last week to appear before the committee investigating the insurrection on January 6 last year - which was incited (and probably organised in part) by Trump. Giuliani made i
#LouisFurther #NotesfromtheUS
Notes from the US
Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.
It was predictable that many Republicans would approve of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Leading the charge was Trump himself, who - as Putin ordered his terrorists into eastern Ukraine - said, "This is genius. Putin declares a
Notes from the US
Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.
The grip of the Trump cult continues to grow in many areas of political (and social) life in the United States. Also growing are the number of states abandoning mask mandates and the number of deaths from Covid in th
#COVID-19 #DonaldTrump #NotesfromtheUS
#covid #donaldtrump #NotesfromtheUS
Notes from the US
Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.
Deniers, hoaxers, refusers, takers of aim. The new year began with hardening of stances by the élite, their 'official' groups and the racist, misogynist authoritarians whom they support. There is a mood of 'doubling down' and
#NotesfromtheUS #roundup #USA
Notes from the US: a Winter solstice tale
A Year's End Yarn
Once upon a time in a country far far away called the Untied States of Amnesia (with due acknowledgement to Gore Vidal) there arose a puzzling and preposterous political party which took the name, 'Thump for White Exceptionalism and Racial Purity' - 'TWERP' for short.
Officially, the TWERPs described themselves as 'conservatives'. But
Notes from the US
Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.
Being mindful of Godwin's law - let's justify the increased use of the 'f word' recently in 'Notes from the US'.
Over the last hundred years or so, a consensus amongst political scientists has been reached on the ke
#LouisFurther #NotesfromtheUS
Notes from the US (August part 1 edition)
Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.
"We are at a moment of truth and a crossroads. Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda to do further harm to our society, economy, and children? Or will we stand together an
#COVID-19 #NotesfromtheUS
Notes from the US
Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.
Sometimes a little event, statement or slice of activity throws just the right amount of light onto a country's affairs, it captures its mood particularly well. This last weekend (9 - 11 July) in Texas the annual co
#LouisFurther #NotesfromtheUS