Estimada comunidad de LinkedIn,
Aquí están las novedades que trae la actualización Obsidian v1.4 Escritorio. Esta versión introduce un conjunto de características que mejoran significativamente la gestión de notas y metadatos en Obsidian. Ahora, con las Propiedades, pueden tener diversos tipos, como texto, lista, fecha, número y casilla de verificación, lo que permite una adaptación total a nuestras necesidades (similar a #Notion).
#Notion #obsidian #actualizacion #metadatos
Update for the ether: probably going with #Notion if I can figure out how to make it pretty. Never was fond of fancied-up spreadsheet software but hey, it'll get the job done!
Because I am a belligerent Luddite about some things, I a) want a baby registry and b) deeply do not want to use any of the sites that exist solely to make money on ad sales and scraping user data. I had modest success using #Notion for our wedding, but we just listed charities and our PayPal account. Curious if anyone else has gone the #diy route for a digital baby registry? And what tools did you use? I could set up a subdomain on my site, I guess.
#parenting #momstodon #webdev (sorta kinda)
#WebDev #momstodon #parenting #DIY #Notion
People who use #Notion for personal project management or as part of a team where not everyone uses the same software - what was the most helpful for you to get started? What did you gravitate towards? What works best for you?
A newbie to project management who finds herself doing similar things on a regular basis and would really like to have a better way to keep track of those things.
@ednico @Calixthe @spinningthoughts @tana_inc @capacities @logseq #Notion has been operating with no E2EE or offline access for years and has plenty of users, so #Tana may be able to succeed without them. I’m not interested in a #PKM or #notes app that lacks those features, but a lot of people either haven’t thought about it or don’t seem to care.
It does not look like you can access settings on #Notion mobile (via app/browser) to enable 2FA. I wish more apps were designed with #mobileFirst in mind
Ich habe wieder ein #Sammelsurium geschrieben. Es geht u.a. um das Hin- und Her zwischen Systemen und Apps (#Obsidian, #Notion) und um wichtige Fragen bei der Kalender-Planung für dieses Jahr.
Eure Ideen und Wünsche diesbezüglich sind gefragt.
#blog #rueckblick
#sammelsurium #obsidian #Notion #blog #rueckblick
@omnivore @capacities @obsidian @clickup #taskade #tana #TanaApp @cogsciapps #hookmark @OmniFocus @OmniOutliner @ticktick @reflectnotes @devontechnologies #DEVONThink #WebCrate #Loom #MemAI @affine #Notion #HintsAIAssistant #FireFish @pixelfed @anytypelabs
#taskade #tana #tanaapp #hookmark #devonthink #webcrate #loom #memai #Notion #hintsaiassistant #firefish
用obsidian来记录主动词汇主要是靠chatgpt,我用它来生成例句比在网上的语料库里查找更方便,还可以让gpt帮忙判定这个用法的使用场景,但唯一麻烦的就是每次我都得手动问,然后再贴到obsidian里,由此想到notion ai倒是已经集成了,理论上来说只需要再笔记上输入单词和原始例句就可以得到一切了。
用 Notion 小小設計了一個交易所的推薦碼彙整頁面,大家有需要的話,可以點進去用裡面的推薦碼註冊交易所喔!幾乎都是有優惠回饋的!By the way,Notion 真的還是很靈活、很好用 ~
#crypto #exchange #referral #notion #推薦碼 #邀請碼 #交易所 #虛擬貨幣 #加密貨幣 #區塊鏈 #優惠 #回饋
#回饋 #優惠 #區塊鏈 #加密貨幣 #虛擬貨幣 #交易所 #邀請碼 #推薦碼 #Notion #referral #exchange #crypto
@gurtt I actually design airports… and I disagree with you.
People gravitate to different tools for different reasons. #AppleNotes #Notion and #Obsidian can each be approached with simplicity or complexity, regardless of what you’re using it for. Even if I weren’t designing airports, Apple Notes didn’t click for my organizational needs and thought processes (even if it has come a long way).
It’s okay for people to use the tools that make sense to them and their wants/needs.
With #ChatGPT, #Notion and #Artifact, my homescreen has changed a lot for the first time in many months. #Mastodon, on the other hand, has not been news for a long time and was able to defend its position together with #LinkedIn. What's on your #homescreen?
#chatgpt #Notion #artifact #mastodon #LinkedIn #homescreen
Trying to do my weekend market review and can't get into #notion... hmmm didn't realize how much I have come to depend on it for my various trading workflows 😬
And I can't access its status "page" because it's a twitter account. That part is not cool.
Friday is a perfect day to review your #pkm
Use these questions
- What is the most useful information/knowledge I found this week?
- How did I integrate into existing knowledge?
- How did I organize them digitally so that I can see and connect the dots in the foreseeable future?
- What do I want to learn next week?
These simple questions were useful to review what I did this week as a knowledge worker. Try this!
#pkm #notes #obsidian #Notion #programming
@joonhyeok_ahn Sure, but if some people want to do things other than or in addition to #PKM in #Notion or #Obsidian, it’s not a mistake. It’s a choice. And as long as they’re able to achieve what they want to do with those apps, it’s a perfectly reasonable one to make. Those are *very* versatile apps.
The common mistake about Notion or #obsidian
PKM is not to set up an "ALL IN ONE" productivity system.
The main goal of having PKMS is to store your notes and use them for generating new ideas and synthesizing your thoughts.