📣 To early-career researchers passionate about innovative #FoodProducts
Register now to the 2023 Parma #SummerSchool & dive into the intricate world of #FoodSafety evaluation, #RiskAssessment & societal considerations of #NovelFood
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EFSA_EU/status/1667083561415979009
#FoodProducts #summerschool #foodsafety #RiskAssessment #NovelFood
La mia intervista a @ilsussidiario su #novelfood #farinadiinsetti #carnesintetica
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/alepanzaoff/status/1639536101239975936
#NovelFood #farinadiinsetti #carnesintetica
Irgendwo in Brüssel sitzen in gut klimatisierten Räumen T-Bone-Steak-essende & Champagner-bechernde EU-Bonzen, schlagen sich lachend auf die Schenkel und fragen sich, ob sie die EU-besoffenen Neue-Welt-Verharmloser auch noch zum Insektenfressen bringen. #Novelfood #Insektenfraß
RT @EU_Commission: 🦗🐛 Whether a snack or a food ingredient, did you know there are currently three insects authorised in the EU 'novel food'?
‘House …
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Beatrix_vStorch/status/1558894971419348994
RT @AgCellulaire: Cultivated meat in the EU : Panel discussion on challenges and perspectives
Un événement organisé par les eurodéputées @MetzTilly et @ulimuellermdep ce mercredi 13 juillet
#Europe #NovelFood #EFSA
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UliMuellerMdEP/status/1546433107674468353
.@AnaAfonso8 continues: "We are holding an info-session for applicants, other groups or individuals with an interest in this issue & #NovelFood more generally, taking place online 28 June 2022.
Stay tuned
Our @AnaAfonso8: "Stopping the clock on an assessment is not unusual when info is missing, it’s the responsibility of applicants to fill data gaps. We are engaging with them to explain how the additional information can be provided..."
#Cannabidiol #NovelFood
Data gaps include effects of #CBD on liver, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, nervous system & psychological well-being. Studies in animals show significant adverse effects for reproduction so it's important to determine if they are also seen in humans.
#CBD is obtained from Cannabis sativa L. plants or synthesised chemically. @Food_EU considers it qualifies as a #NovelFood and asked us to give scientific advice on whether CBD consumption is safe for humans
#NovelFood evaluations of #cannabidiol on hold. We cannot currently establish its safety due to data gaps & uncertainties about potential hazards of #CBD intake. It is important to stress at this point that we have not concluded that CBD is unsafe as food.