Je lance ma #NowPage : régulièrement actualisée, vous y retrouverez mes intérêts du moment
While it’s still the #NowPage on steroids that it’s been for years, under the hood my #HomePage now technically is an @omgdotlol profile, based on the “ Special” theme. (I moved it over from Carrd; updating is still just markdown so I figured why not.) #IndieWeb #SmallWeb
#NowPage #homepage #indieweb #SmallWeb
Updated my list of #PetProjects and the #SeriesFiXatoWatches / #FilmsFiXatoWatches lists on my What is FiXato currently doing? #NowPage. :)
#petprojects #seriesfixatowatches #FilmsFiXatoWatches #NowPage