The wizard Merlin appears! He can do anything he wants to Time Tunnel technology!! 😯
He brings the boys home (that's what they want!), but freezes everyone in time!! 🙀
Apparently he gives them some sort of hypnotic suggestion? While they are frozen in time?!? 🤔
#TimeTunnel #SciFi #ScienceFiction #TimeTravel #ClassicTV #NowWatching
#timetunnel #scifi #sciencefiction #timetravel #classictv #NowWatching #5cifigirl #reviewsby5cifigirl
#NowWatching The Super Mario Bros Movie. Been looking forward to this one. Seems fun, adventurous, nostalgic. #Mario #Movies #Film
#NowWatching #mario #movies #film
Finally got around to watching that new #AphexTwin video and it's pretty, pretty good! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_Ue_P7vcRE #NowWatching
OMG, nazi zombies! 😯
Aww, Crowley is helping Aziraphale plan a serious magic show! 💖
What's with the dolls in the magic shop?!? 👀
Banana, fish, gorilla, shoelace, and a dash of nutmeg... 😜
"Dark grey" "Light grey"
Yep! 😎
Oh Nina has GOT to get rid of that abuser. 😬😠
#GoodOmens #GoodOmens2 #NowWatching #5ciFiGirl #ReviewsBy5ciFiGirl
#goodomens #GoodOmens2 #NowWatching #5cifigirl #reviewsby5cifigirl
"Don't call me doctor, I'm a surgeon."
"Ok, call me Doctor, I'm not a surgeon!" 🤣
LOL, Crowley is high!
No, wait, now Crowley is small! 😂 😆 🤣
Lol, Crowley keeps carrying stacks of books around to look busy, and then chucking them random places! 😅
Ooh, more ominous words from Gabriel! 😯
OMG the credits music, "Everyday" bagpipes! 😆
#GoodOmens #GoodOmens2 #NowWatching #5ciFiGirl #ReviewsBy5ciFiGirl
#goodomens #GoodOmens2 #NowWatching #5cifigirl #reviewsby5cifigirl
"First day on Earth?"
"Yes!" *oops*
Crowley had a little too much fun teasing Muriel, but she's too innocent to care. 😄
"Dear diary..."
Oh Aziraphale 💖
When Aziraphale learned the realities of moral grey areas. 😌 Quite a journey. 😌
Ok, that single fly in the bookshop has to mean something, right? It's not Beelzebub! 😯
#GoodOmens #GoodOmens2 #NowWatching #5ciFiGirl #ReviewsBy5ciFiGirl
#goodomens #GoodOmens2 #NowWatching #5cifigirl #reviewsby5cifigirl
Jane Austin has got quite the resume, apparently! 😂
"Well, at least don't pronounce the capital letter!!" 😅
Peter Davidson!!! 😁 👏
The GOATS!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙀 😆
So ... Job's son ... is actually his grandson? 😉 😜 (FYI, that's a real world comment. 😉 )
#GoodOmens #GoodOmens2 #NowWatching #5ciFiGirl #ReviewsBy5ciFiGirl
#goodomens #NowWatching #5cifigirl #reviewsby5cifigirl #GoodOmens2
Lol, "wrong bench"! 😆
"Either talk on the phone, or appear mysteriously. Don't do both!"
OMG, an "I was wrong" dance! Adorable! 🥰
#GoodOmens #GoodOmens2 #NowWatching #5ciFiGirl #ReviewsBy5ciFiGirl
#goodomens #NowWatching #5cifigirl #reviewsby5cifigirl #GoodOmens2
Good Omens season 2 is out!!! 😁
I watched some last night, and will watch more soon!
Here are a few of my live reactions!! 😉
#goodomens #NowWatching #5cifigirl #reviewsby5cifigirl #GoodOmens2
Quite a combination of historical figures here! We've got Ghengis Kahn's grandson, Kublai Kahn's daughter, and Marco Polo! 🙀
(Oh, and a wildly racist episode! 😬)
#TimeTunnel #SciFi #ScienceFiction #TimeTravel #ClassicTV #NowWatching
#timetunnel #scifi #sciencefiction #timetravel #classictv #NowWatching #5cifigirl #reviewsby5cifigirl
Guys. I #JustWatched the #SeriesFinale of #TheBlacklist.
I. Am. Not. Ok. 😭
I've watched from the beginning, and it's changed a lot over the years. But I absolutely love these characters. 💖
This finale was beautiful, and inevitable, and beyond heartbreaking. 😭 😭 (Dembe's speech... I lost it. 😭 )
I also have to mention the song choices, which might have been a bit on the nose, but man did they heighten the emotional stakes! 😭
#justwatched #seriesfinale #theblacklist #blacklist #watching #NowWatching #reviewsby5cifigirl #5cifigirl
I just saw an intriguing movie, After Yang (2021).
It was both philosophical and touching! ❤
Trailer first, review next:
#AfterYang #Watching #NowWatching #JustWatched #Movie #Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #Robot #Android #Technology
#afteryang #watching #NowWatching #justwatched #movie #movies #film #cinemastodon #robot #android #technology #5cifigirl #reviewsby5cifigirl
This was a weird one. 👀
It's the civil war, battle of Gettysburg. The guys get separated, and Tony has a head injury and loses his memory. So, once again Tony and Doug end up on opposite sides of a conflict. 😬
#TimeTunnel #SciFi #ScienceFiction #TimeTravel #ClassicTV #NowWatching
#timetunnel #scifi #sciencefiction #timetravel #classictv #NowWatching #5cifigirl #reviewsby5cifigirl
#NowWatching Evil Dead Rise on HBOMax (I still refuse to call it Max).
I am *very* excited about this.
#EvilDead #EvilDeadRise #horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorFam #MutantFam
#NowWatching #evildead #evildeadrise #horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorFam #mutantfam
Well, this one was different! 😯
Somehow a random dude sabotages something, almost gets caught, and escapes into the time tunnel! 😮 (Robert Duvall!)
Apparently he is a spy? Who studied their technology and then planted a bomb? 👀
#TimeTunnel #SciFi #ScienceFiction #TimeTravel #ClassicTV #NowWatching
#timetunnel #scifi #sciencefiction #timetravel #classictv #NowWatching #5cifigirl #reviewsby5cifigirl
Captured by some pirates!!! 🙀⛵⚓
Among the other captives is a kid, who says he is the nephew of the king of Spain. This means he is valuable for a ransom, so the pirates want to keep him alive.
I sort of wondered if he might really be a fast talking con artist kid, and not a real royal, but he seemed to be the real thing! 😅
#TimeTunnel #SciFi #ScienceFiction #TimeTravel #ClassicTV #NowWatching
#timetunnel #scifi #sciencefiction #timetravel #classictv #NowWatching #5cifigirl #reviewsby5cifigirl
#NowWatching #Hellraiser: Bloodline, aka Hellraiser 4, aka Hellraiser in Space, aka, Hellraiser Starring Adam Scott, aka The One that Actually Tore My Soul Apart.
I will never forgive Dimension Films & the We*nsteins for what they did to this. But you *can* read the original screenplay from Peter Atkins to see what was supposed to happen.
#Horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorFam #MutantFam #Cinemastodon #Filmstodon #HorrorFilms #Hellraiser4 #CliveBarker #AdamScott
#NowWatching #hellraiser #horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorFam #mutantfam #cinemastodon #Filmstodon #horrorfilms #hellraiser4 #clivebarker #adamscott
So the guys meet Billy the Kid, and due to a misunderstanding, everyone thinks Doug has killed him ... But it's the wrong timing for that! 😯
This leaves the folks at time tunnel, as well as Doug and Tony, questioning their understanding of time travel. As they say, they've never changed recorded history before! 😕
#TimeTunnel #SciFi #ScienceFiction #TimeTravel #ClassicTV #NowWatching
#timetunnel #scifi #sciencefiction #timetravel #classictv #NowWatching #5cifigirl #reviewsby5cifigirl
21 - Idol of Death
So, we see Cortez, ready to kill his way across South America. Though apparently he is feuding with the governor of Cuba? As he thinks Doug and Tony were sent to spy on him.
#TimeTunnel #SciFi #ScienceFiction #TimeTravel #ClassicTV #NowWatching
#timetunnel #scifi #sciencefiction #timetravel #classictv #NowWatching #5cifigirl #reviewsby5cifigirl
20 - The Walls of Jericho
Ooh boy, they tackle a bit of history from the bible. That could get thorny! 😯
There is enough debate in the world already over whether to take bible stories literally, or as metaphor.
#TimeTunnel #SciFi #ScienceFiction #TimeTravel #ClassicTV #NowWatching
#timetunnel #scifi #sciencefiction #timetravel #classictv #NowWatching #5cifigirl #reviewsby5cifigirl