@jackLondon Sorry if I'm not enthused by policies that are entirely aimed at attracting Tory swing voters. I'm not sure the point of winning is if all you offer is exactly the same as the Tories, or a hair's breadth away.
But hey, you support red team over blue team, if it makes you feel like you're "winning." #labour #nulabour
I hope #Greens do well in May elections but I am not expecting major changes in my city. Where I live #Blairite #NuLabour have been in office for decades. They are lazy, corrupt, stupid, all out of ideas. Some younger people are still active but the city did all it could to destroy #Momentum enthusiasm & alienate new #Leftwing members. It is moribund. People re-elect #Labour by habit. Independents are edging in. On good side, openly Far-Right parties don't yet succeed at polls. Count blessings?
#labour #leftwing #momentum #NuLabour #Blairite #greens
Remember when #UK #Centralists (#LibDens, #NuLabour) hailed #Macron as a 'new beginning'? For 5 years, Macron has pandered to the #Far-Right and helped kill the #French Left. Choice for #President is now a Right-shifted Macron or a Far-Right #Le_Pen.
It is always like this. Centralists are not 'neutral'. They are ALWAYS the 'acceptable face' of the Right, always drift ever further rightwards once in office.
This is why I distrust #Starmer & his Centralist Labour Party.
#starmer #le_pen #president #french #far #Macron #NuLabour #LibDens #Centralists #uk
Spot on comment about the harm done to UK by #Tory & #NuLabour policies over last decades. With Tories the most culpable for the most evil policies designed to actually inflict misery rather than just neglect to relieve suffering as was their wont in past.
I despise these soulless cynical politicians more than words can say. Nye Bevan was correct 'lower than vermin'. But now we must include NuLabour.
All the direct logical consequence of uncontrolled capitalism.
#NuLabour #tory #uk #poverty #The_Guardian